You Caused It

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Here I am
Scars exposed and still healing
Battle wounds from the inside and out.
A garden taking advantage of my pain,
Flowers and black roses spout from my scars
Only to wilt.
So here I wilt,
I wilt like the sunshine has been taken
My happiness is like the causal rains,
Although the thunderstorms I thrive the worst in.
I shake so hard my roots I thought were planted
Pulls out of the ground and I fall apart.
I rebuild my roots just for it to happen again
I don't have the wings of angels
To pull me out of this infestation.
I only have thunderstorms and causal rains.
You made me be born in the dark,
Being alone felt like freedom
Until freedom changed its meaning
As my little plant life went up in flames,
You caused it.
My limbs split and I welcomed the thunderstorms
The sky shot apart and ash fell
It still feels like soot is on my petals.
Surviving takes everything out of you
When you just want to be alive.
Alive is the kind that attracts sunlight,
The alive that dances in the rain instead of crying.
Even when it hurts trees get cut down
They battle the thunderstorms and the rain,
Only to rise above you.
There's no such thing as melodramatic
Only the feelings that feel real
As you'll never be able to describe what it feels like.
Hopefully one day,
I'll be able to dance in the sunlight and the rain...
And rise like the trees and the flowers...
One day...

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