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Damn this miserable cold, wet and windy weather, he thought, it was making him chilled to the bones. Living in a caravan, a static caravan at that, on the outskirts of a town on the south coast, the supposedly warmest part of the country, it did not feel like it. Sitting there, making another cup of tea for himself. That's all there was for him to do today. That, and think!

That thought, it came to him again! Change!

Yes! A change, that was what he needed. To get away from this miserable place just wasting what was left of his life. Allowing himself to drift along with no real reason or purpose, it seemed that that is all he had been doing for the last few years. No purpose there, other than to show just how lazy he was. No longer the owner of a legal driving licence, or a vehicle with which he could move his worn out old caravan to another site. Also aware that living in a caravan was his only a option! It was far better than sleeping rough he knew, becomimg down and out, becoming a homeless person was not an option. If he ever lost his caravan, he would have to start using his tent again.

Just as he did before but he knew deep inside himself that that was not an option he could accept.

If only........

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