Chapter 9

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With his mind reeling from the barrage of information that Alec had just put on him. Pete wondered what was coming next, he gulped, 'more', 'after that you want to punish me more' looking at Alec's somewhat downcast face he could not help himself, he started laughing, 'sorry' he said, 'I couldn't resist it', ' I have no problem with what you have just put me through and I'm ready for more if you want to dish it out!', 'I'm sure' he said, 'that almost all of what you have told me will slowly filter through if it already hasn't your face was a picture of disbelief and concern, I just had to wind you up over it', 'it's nice getting your own back' laughed Alec, 'so I can continue with more of the basic work can I', he asked, 'yes, I'm a glutton for punishment, we can carry on for as long as you like' countered Pete.

'I think that, first, we should take a lunch break' Alec said to Pete's great relief for he was rather hungry and as he had brought no lunch or flask of coffee with him he was wondering what Alec would suggest. 'Come on then', it's down to the village we go, there is a lovely little café there that Rose and I frequent, they do a great quiche and their coffee's not bad either', on arriving there Alec wandered in as if he owned the place and from the reception that he received even the staff thought he did, so warm was the welcome they gave him, 'no Rose today', they asked politely, laughing he said 'no, she's still in hospital so I've brought a thorn instead, its name is Pete and it's safe to touch', did everyone around here have the same sense of humour he wondered, three young women came over, Amy, Sandy and Sarah introduced themselves to him and said quite warmly that any friend of Rose and Alec were their friends as well. 'Your usual table over by the window is free Alec', they called over their shoulders. Almost in a chorus, 'do you want your usual quiche and coffee or are you going to amaze us', 'I'm amazing enough so I will take the usual, not sure about Pete, I have warned him about the quiche, he's quite brave so I will leave it to him', 'count me in' said Pete 'in for a pound in for a penny' as he went over to join Alec at his favourite table, 'I like it here, especially at this table' said Alec, 'you can see the river and all that's happening, I'm nosy like that' was his final word, 'I had noticed' was all Pete said as he sat down at the small table, looking around he agreed with Alec, this was a pleasant little café he thought, if the quiche was all right he would put it on his list of places to visit, 'the staff here are great, friendly, not pushy and they look after their regulars, they know everyone's favourite meal and always ask after the family if you are on your own, that's why Rose and I come here, almost home from home as far as the food and company are concerned', was Alec's final offering, suddenly, all conversation finished as the quiche arrived, with a satisfied sigh both Alec and Pete attacked their lunch as if they would never eat again, Pete's only words after consuming his meal in record time were 'terrific I could eat another of those, but I won't, my waistline is big enough'. Quietly sipping their coffee and watching the world go by, the antics of some people on the river, the sailors in their boats were serenely making their travels, be it up river or down towards the sea, while the tourists were puttering up, down, or across in there little motor boats, with no particular style or class just gales of hilarity, howls of derision, passengers screaming abuse at their pilots and pilots doing the same to their passengers with far too many cries of 'sit down, keep still, you're rocking the boat' or 'I'm gonna' be sick', as well as 'let's go home', all of this action and vocalisation could clearly be heard in the café and as no one was taking any particular notice, Pete assumed it was just normal life by the river in the tourist season. Alec just sitting there, with his usual grin, simply said 'I'll never get used to it. The antics of the visitors, treating our river as they would the roads where they come from. Bang, crash, wallop! There again, it's not road rage around here. Happens with the visitors, you get river rage at five knots, it's amazing what they get up to'.

Pausing a little, to give it more thought Alec continued 'one day, someone will drown because of their antics. That will cause us, the locals, a lot of problems. There again, they help the local economy, so I suppose we have to put up with it'. Not having a ready answer, or comment, Pete simply smiled. Shook his head from side to side as if in agreement, a quick second thought, had him saying to himself 'and ain't that the truth of it'. 'So, what's on the menu for this afternoon', Pete pointedly asked Alec, 'oh! a bit like this morning, with a bit of question and answer I would suggest. Getting ready to make a move towards the door Alec went on, that's if you are up to it. Come on, let's get a move on, the girls will think we are taking root. With that, he turned to the girls, waved, saying he would see them later in the week. Pete walked over to the counter, paid for the bill, in cash. 'Not a great fan of these debit card things', he said as he did so. Thanking the girls, complimenting them, not only the food, which he had thoroughly enjoyed, but also on the service. Telling them, that he would be back, with or without Alec. It's nice to find somewhere special was his final word, as he took his leave of them and joined his friend outside. 'Where to' he asked Alec, 'back home' was his reply. 'You've seemed a little distracted since we came here for lunch, it's as if you wished you were somewhere else, is something wrong?' Pete asked. 'No, nothing wrong, it just seems rather strange, going to the local bistro, which Rose loves, without her. When they got back to the cottage, Alec began teaching Pete the complexities of sailing. Alec had considered using his computer plus the internet but decided against it. Battling on, with Pete writing copious notes, trying to keep up with Alec's continuous flow of words. Many of which he did not understand. 'Hold on' Pete asked Alec, 'I'm having a hard time keeping up with you, many of the words you are using I can't even spell let alone understand', 'I'm so sorry', Alec responded, 'I got with the flow they say, as if I was talking to another sailor or at least someone with my kind knowledge, let's go back a bit, I will go a little slower and with more detail, just listen and don't bother taking any more notes, treat it as if it is just a conversation, ask a question if you need to, don't be afraid of butting in, once I've started it's hard to stop me!' 

'Right then, questions so far', 'well', started Pete, 'you were telling me about Points of sail, no, no, before that, you talked about how a sail is made, see if I got it right, you said it's not a true triangle, that parts were added to make the sail bigger, sounded like a fish, ah! Roach, I think, and it is at the edge of the sail which is called after a nasty thing yes! A leech', as he jogged his memory 'that there were hanging bits called tell tales, is that right?', 'well, well, well, the lads learning', he said 'yes all those terms are right' Alec agreed, 'great', said Pete, 'a few more please, on points of sail, that's the direction the boat is sailing in, relative to the direction of the wind and are called, reaches, there are several types, sort of going around a clock face again I think you said, err!, broad breach, close reach and a run are some of them I think you said, am I right?' Pete asked. 'Not bad, not bad at all' Alec said, a little surprised. The tone of his voice amused Pete. 'We appear to have a prospective sailor on our hands and that pleases me greatly, more than you would think'. He went on, with that great big smile of his and the chuckle that Pete was getting used to. 'Right, lets press on for a little longer shall we', 'let's see what you are really made of'. Those words seemed to Pete, to be a sort of challenge. He wondered if he really was up to it. 'But before that', Alec continued 'it's time for another cuppa, we deserve a bit of a break. We've been at it for quite a while, without stopping. Tired? Alec asked. More like I've been beaten up by a mugger. Alec put a hot cup of tea into his hand. Enjoy! Was all he said. They both sat there quietly, thinking their thoughts. Alec told Pete that as he was going to the hospital, in the morning, to see his wife. To find out from the doctors, what her prognosis was. There would be no study work for Pete, unless he did it at home. He needed to work out, Alec confided, what he had to do for both Rose and himself, for their future, he admitted to Pete that he was rather concerned and had been having sleepless nights, he had a horrible feeling that he would soon be on his own he admitted. There was no response to that thought Pete, 'take your time Alec, you have a lot on your plate, I can sort out these notes back at my place, give me a call when you want to carry as my instructor', 'that's great then, it won't take me that long', 'in the meantime, have you got access to the internet', 'yes' it was Pete's turn to chuckle, 'I've left the dark ages, it's on my stupid phone, it's an old one but it works, and my laptop, why?', Alec passed him a slip of paper, 'that's a web address, very useful, the website information was written by someone studying to become an RYA Day Skipper, you'll find it very handy, its more knowledgeable than me', 'be here about two o'clock Pete, I will be back before that, we can go for a bit of a cruise up the river, I find it easier to think when I'm out on the water', 'thank you' said Pete, 'I'll look forward to it, see you at two tomorrow afternoon' and quietly left Alec to his thoughts.

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