Chapter One

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Saphire's POV

The rain was heavy and cold against my skin. The wind blew viciously and stung as it made contact with my hands and face. My legs were curled up against my side and tucked in tightly towards my chest, so I could keep warm from the bitter weather. Tears stained my face with big streaks of mascara, freshly running down my cheeks. I had had enough of my dads hatred towards me. Ever since my mum died in a car accident, he blamed the whole incident on me, making me feel much worse, and because I was young and so nieve, I believed him. But this time I had enough of his shit. So now; here I sit, in this cold park, freezing, thinking of what to do next. All I have with me in my old, battered bag pack is my phone, charger, headphones, a set of clothes to change into, hairbrush and my toothbrush and toothpaste.

An idea suddenly popped into my head, and I decided to take a chance at it. I took my phone out of the pocket of my leather jacket, and unlocked it. I decided to call my best friend, CC, who I haden't seen in a year because he was touring with mates, they were known as Black Veil Brides. I'm a big fan of their music, and with CC in the band, it made things even better, because I see that guy as the big brother I never had.

After the third ring, he picked up.

"Hello?" he asked.

"H-Hey," I said in a shaky breath.

"Saph? Saph is that you?"


"Wow, I can't believe it! I haven't seen you for ages! Things been alright?" his voice held excitment and hapiness in it.

"Not really,"

"Why? What's happened?"

"It's a long story. I called you because I was wondering if I could stay with you? If you don't wan't me to, that's fine-" I rambled.

"Calm down, Saph, course you can stay here. If the lads don't like it, tuff shit, you're staying and that's final, sis. Where are you? I'll pick you up right now."

"I'm at the park we used to hang at." I sniffed.

"Alright, stay there and don't move, I'll be there in about fithteen minutes."

"Okay," I say and hang up. I let out a shaky sigh and rub my hands together. I knew I should have brought some gloves, I thought.

As I waited for CC to arrive, I got my headphones out and plugged them into my phone. Let You Down by Black Veil Brides started playing. I hummed quiety to myself and tried to keep as warm as possible.

Not long after listening to Perfect Weapon, Asshole, Blacklist, Stupid Boy, Let You Down and Smoke and Mirrors, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw CC.

I got up off the bench and embraced him.

"I missed you so much, Saph." he breathed.

"I missed you too," we stayed and just held each other for about five minutes.

"Come on, lets get you home." he said and guided me back towards his car. We got in his car and soon, he drove off towards his and the lads' place.

During the ride, no words were spoken. It was a peaceful silence, not an awkward one. Would they like me? Would my dad come after me?  Who knows? I hate time. Time means you have to wait, and sometimes wait a long time.

"Saph. Saphire? Saphire!" CC says from beside me.

"Oh, sorry, what'd you say?"

"We're here." he motions to the big house we're parked in front of.

I get out the car and shut the door behind me, CC doing the same.

We walk up the stairs and CC pulls the keys out his pocket, before unlocking the door and granting us entry. The house was huge! There was a spiral staircase and the landing above it was long. As we walked further down the hallway, I quickly had a look at the front room that was nicely designed. Grey walls and a black leather 'L' shaped sofa with black beans bags in the corner with a flat screen TV, and a cabnet full of DVD's.

As we entered the kitchen, I immediatley saw Ashley and Jinxx sitting at the table eating pizza. Ashley noticed our presence and stood up, and started walking over to us.

"So this, is Saphire." he smiles.

"The one and only." CC wraps a protective arm around my shoulder. "Have you told Andy she's staying yet?"

"No, not yet. He hasen't come out of his room all day and we couldn't get in because it's locked." Jinxx says with a mouth full of pizza.

CC sighs, "be back in a minute," he says and walks off towards the stairs.

"So, what happend? If you don't mind me asking..." Jinxx says nervously as I take a seat at the table with Ashley.

"It's difficult to explain but, I guess I could cut it short. So when I was fourteen, my mum died in a car crash. Since then, my dad blamed me for the incident and for the death of her. He became an alcoholic and... abusive. I had enough of his shit and ran away. So, the first idea that came to my head was to call CC, because he's been like an older brother to me and been there for all them years. We're really close."

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Saphire." Ashley says, huging my side.

"It's okay, and by the way, you can call me Saph." I smile and ruffle his hair.

Jinxx gasps and slowly backs away and I look at him confused. I look back at Ashley, but before I can react, I'm being tackled to the floor and my sides are being tickled.

"St-o-op Ash-le-y! I mea-n it!" I say between breaths.

"Leave the poor girl alone Ash." I hear someone say from the doorway.

I look up and see Jake with a big smile on his face. "Hi Jake!" I laugh.

"Hey," he opens his arms with a pout on his face, "can I get a hug?" he sticks out his bottom lip.

"Sure Jakey," I giggle and stand up. I walk over to Jake and he engulfs me in his arms. Once Jake releases me from his bear hug, CC walks down with Andy, who, looked depressed. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. I wonder what happened.

"Sit there, and eat the left over pizza." CC orders. The others look at him amazed at what has happened. Andy sits at the table and grabs two slices of pizza before taking a bite. Once he was finished, he walked over to the sink and got a cold glass of water before stomping his way back up the stairs pissed, annoyed and depressed.

"What happened?" I ask, clearly baffled.

"Well... Andy and Juliet broke up. He's taking it real hard. Been like that for two days, straight." Jinxx answers.

Poor Andy, I wonder if there's anything I can do to make him feel better.


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