Coming to Hogwarts

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I storm up to my room because my parents believe I am a worthless little bitch who can't do anything right. I partially believe them. I made sure my door was closed and locked as I walked to the bathroom. I grab my hidden razor blade I had hidden in there and cut. One for disappointing you family one for being gay one for failing at everything and that is all the cuts you made you wanted to do more but you heard a knock at your window. You clean the cuts and put a bandage on it. I go out of the bathroom and see an owl sitting on my windowsill with a letter in it's mouth. I reach for the letter and take it the owl flew away very quickly and I opened the letter. Y/N       We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.  I was astounded at this letter. I realized that July 31 was only a week away. I grab a quill and start writing back. Soon the owl is back at my window and I hand it the letter it flies away and I start to plan how I am gonna get out of this hell hole.I get a plan and think about it everyday. I lay down on my bed and fall asleep.


*Time Skip One Month* 

Today is September 1. Today is the day I leave this so called family and go to Hogwarts. My parents are alcoholics so they are probably already wasted right now even though it's only 9:30 in the morning.I go to my dads secret safe and take $1500 dollars in pounds and run out the door with my stuff. I run all the way to the secret place that the letter said to meet someone to take me to Diagon Alley. I get to the place which is a bar called Leaky Cauldron  I think to myself 'why do I have to go here' I am suddenly led to a brick wall by a very large man. "Hey I am Hagrid" He says very happily "Hi I am Y/N" He takes me to the brick wall and taps it in a very specific order. Soon the wall opens up to Diagon alley. Hagrid hands me a list of things I need to buy for my year at Hogwarts. I go to the book shop first. I get all of my books and head to the wand store. I found my wand. I then head to the pet shop and get a small black kitten with blinding emerald green eyes. I then head to the train station with my cart full of stuff and run into the pillar. Soon I see the train the train that will take me to Hogwarts. I hop on and find a compartment. I sit in it waiting for someone to join me this small compartment can only hold two people. I sit and soon I get bored so I read a book about Hogwarts and the houses. I start to realize I am either a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw. I then hear the door of my compartment open. I look up to see a boy who is my age with very blonde hair and peircing grey eyes. He looks at me and I look at him. He sits down and says. "You new here?" "Yeah"I am a VERY shy person. "Well what you reading about?" "Hogwarts" "Well I am Draco Draco Malfoy" "Hi I am Y/N L/N" "Nice to meet you" "You too" You put your book down and stare into his eyes. You grab your kitten and put him in your lap and pet him. "What's his name?" Draco asked "I don't know I was thinking shadow" "I like it and I like you"I feel myself blush a bit. He also blushes and says "I am gonna take a nap you probably should too" I nod and grab my pillow I brought and he does the same. I  lay down. "Always prepared huh?" "Yeah I ran away from home to come to hogwarts" "That sucks I am a Slytherin by the way" "I can see that with the emerald green pillow" He chuckles to himself and he falls asleep shortly after I do to. I have a night mare. "Aahh!" I scream as I get up luckily the train is very loud so no one heard me except for Draco. "Why are you screaming?" Draco says sleepily "Had a night mare" "Okay well come here" I stand next to him and he pulls me down to lay down with him. "What are you doing Draco" "Calming you down" I was still shaking from the night mare. Draco wraps his arms around me and then whispers in my ear. "It's okay your okay" I turn and cry into his chest. He rubs my back and calms me down. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I nod and tell him about my nightmare about my dad. I start to cry again and he pulls me into his lap because now he is sitting up. I cry and cry until I can't cry anymore. Draco says "You okay?" I nod and get off him and sit next to him. "Can I tell you something?" "Of course" "Well I am gay and have had so much shame for it since then. My parents found out but I thought they didn't know until the night before I ran away he said 'YOU FAGGOT LEAVE MY HOUSE' before that I began cutting myself a lot and...." Draco cut me off by hugging me I was balling my eyes out he whispered in my ear "He can't hurt you anymore and I can tell you something I am Bisexual meaning I like both guys and girls so" I smile a bit and he lifts up my sleeve before he did roll it up he said "Can I?" I nod and he see's all the scars. He hugs me again and the train comes to a stop. He packs all his things and says "Hope to see you later Y/N" he said with a wink then one of his friends comes to the compartment and said "Ha good job Draco you made the newbie cry!" He said while high fiving Draco. Draco turned to me and mouthed "I'm sorry"he then said "Yeah I did what a wimp" those words shot out like venom. But deep down I knew he was a sweetheart if he wasn't why would he cuddle me and shit I don't know. 


I get into Hogwarts and I was immediately escorted to Dumbledor's office. He hands me a hat and says "Put it on" The hat begins to talk and says "SLYTHERIN" I felt my heart beat very fast as Dumbledor handed me my Slytherin robes. I leave the office after putting them on and walk to the dining hall for lunch. I sit next to Draco and he notices me. He winks at me and then looks away very quickly as he see's his friends. I ear ignoring everyone I was good at that. I get snapped out of my thoughts to Draco snapping in my face. "Come on let's go to our common room". I nod and follow him.I get into the common room and go straight up the stairs into the dorms I claim a bed that is closest to the bathroom. I put my razor blade in a hidden spot and come back out. I unpack and lay down on my bed and take a nap.

Falling in Love with my School Bully Draco Malfoy X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now