chapter 6

402 40 5

seungmin pov

when i got to school the next day, the new shipment book was already gone from the shelf.

confused, i walked up to the librarian to see who had it.

when i asked, she pointed to a table in the back, where sat changbin reading the book with his knees crunched up to his chest and glasses slipping down his nose.

my breathing hitched and my face heated up, causing me to shake my head and snap out of whatever just happened.




what did just happen?

maybe i should ask felix and hyunjin?

they'll know.




i walked over to changbin at his table, pushing away my earlier thoughts.

"hey, shortie, you have the new shipment book"

i saw his eyes snap out of their trance on the book, looking up to meet mine.

"yeah, sorry about that. it looked like a good book. i was trying to get here early enough to finished the book before you got here, because i know you like the new shipment books"

changbin admitted while looking at his feet, the book falling to his side.

i was taken aback at the fact that he noticed i liked the new shipment books the most.

"well, uh, are you almost done?"

i asked, slipping on my words a bit.

"huh? oh- OH yeah , i only have a few pages left if you wouldn't mind waiting for me to finish?"

he asked politely.

i nodded and he motioned for me to sit down before going back to reading the book.

the only thing i could do was study him, so thats what i did.

his glasses had been pushed back up his nose, the book propped back up on his knees. his cheeks were tinted red and were also squished against his knees, making them puff up under his eyes. he had on a white oversized sweater tucked into his black jeans, his blue black hair tucked behind his ear and he kept pushing it back as he finished up.

i didnt realise i had been staring so long when i finally noticed he was trying to get my attention.


"huh, what sorry, "

i said, trying to play off the fact i was staring at him. 

"well here's the book"
changbin said, holding out the book to me.

as he handed me the book i felt his finger brush mine, causing electricity to rush through my body.


i said quickly, leaving to go find felix and hyunjin to talk to them about all what just happened.



what was that, seungmin?



400 words


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