Midari X Yumeko

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This isn't really full on NSFW it's just wholesome bits aswell as some teasing and kisses i guess


Yumeko was with her usual group of friends chatting and giggling away and Midari was close by behind them leaning on a desk waiting for them to finish. A few minutes flew by and Midari started to get bored so she whipped out her phone checking Instagram, she looked down at the beaming screen with Yumekos recent photo of her posing in a dark red bikini. She bit her lip wide-eyed blushing staring at the screen. Midari and Yumeko have been dating for a few weeks but Yumeko didn't want to tell anybody since everyone at school that knew her thought she was straight, she hasn't come out of the closet just yet as did Midari in her freshmen year. She stared at the photo getting more and more red until she saved it into her phone.

Midari thought about never coming out about their relationship and psychically looked a little sad which turned into slight anger, 'tch' she clicked her tongue turning her phone off grabbing Yumekos wrist, "Let's go." Yumeko stopped her from pulling her away from the group, "What? I'm not done talking yet!" "I don't give a shit." Midari pulled her away from the confused group which just continued with their conversation. Once they got into the empty hallway Midari moved her hand from Yumekos wrist into her palm interlocking their fingers. Yumeko spoke up annoyed, "You can't just stop me from an enjoyable conversation." Midari smirked, "This is going to be even more enjoyable."

Midari led her into the bathroom following right behind her locking the door. Yumeko crossed her arms pissed. "Midari what the hell are you doing?" Midari ignored her grabbing her waist pinning her against the tiled walls. "What are you-" Midari lifted her chin up with one finger looking into her brown eyes, "...Your really pretty..." "That's what you dragging me into here for?!" Yumeko attempted shoving her off until Midari gripped her waist, "Does that mean you expect more.?" Yumeko stared at her for a second, "No I-" Midari softly precked her lips against Yumekos looking at her once she pulled away. "I love you." Midari spoke. Yumeko smiled, "I love you too.." Midari cupped her cheek admiring Yumekos face again until placing her lips back on Yumekos playing with each others tongues.

After a few minutes of a make out session Midari separated. "What?" Yumeko said confused. "Stop playing with me, when can we be open about this?"  "What do you mean, this?" Yumeko said confused. Midari sighed, "I mean us, our relationship, I sit on my phone all the time just glaring at your photos wishing I could brag about how your mine." Yumeko blushed, "I dunno just give me a few days..." Midari looked at her for a second then rested her head in the crook in Yumekos neck, "it's okay, take your time, I don't want to rush you baby.."
Yumeko teared up holding Midaris head. Midari shot up after hearing Yumekos sniffles, "What's wrong!? Did I say something?!" "N-no it's just your the sweetest person to ever care about me that much." Midari looked at her for a second then spread a smile across her face feeling proud resting her head back in the crook Yumekos neck hugging her waist, "It's because I truly love you."

Yumeko held Midari close as they both slowly slid down the wall until they reached the floor as Midari carried her by her waist and thighs putting her on her lap. Yumeko sat up looking at Midari. Midari looked at her back.
"Do you really check out my photos everyday?" Midari nodded pulling out her phone handing it to Yumeko. Yumeko scrolled through Midaris photos seeing she saved all the photos of her and them together. She smiled handing Midari her phone back, "cute." "Mhm" Midari responded.

♡︎𝐾𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑟𝑢𝑖 𝑠𝑚𝑢𝑡𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑠Where stories live. Discover now