@makeitmatter's Interview!

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Introducing your newest contemporary writer on Wattpad...

Kat , a.k.a. makeitmatter 

Find the answers to all the questions you might have for this writer in the interview below!

Don't forget to comment like crazy, you guys!

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Book Review on The Jewels Series

(by Jasmin A.)

The first time I heard that makeitmatter (Kat) was writing books on mature themes (specifically emotional / sexual abuse), I felt apprehensive to even open the books. It wasn't that I was opposed to the idea of reading about something so uncomfortable, but because of the few times I read books like that, it took me months to recover. I wasn't sure if I was ready to become emotionally attached to fictional characters who go through this kind of trauma again. But I soon realised that perhaps that's what is meant to happen, that when we recover, we wield a weapon called anger towards the men who find themselves capable of such heinous crimes. Maybe this is what fuels knowledge and awareness.

When I decided to read, it was almost nothing like how I imagined, in a good way of course. We were introduced to these themes respectfully and sensitively, the transition from a basic start to a troubled scene was so good, I almost felt like I was there to witness it all. Needless to say, I was instantly hooked to the storyline. "Sapphire", especially, the first book in the series was one of those that actually had a perfect balance between fiction, reality and education (to some extent). I would classify this book as Representative Muslim Fiction. A warning I'd give you is that it doesn't explore Islamic views on divorce / separation but it does show how the community reacts to these so-called "taboo" topics.

I'm currently on the second book of the series "Ruby", which is a whole little world in itself. I'll hold off any comments because Kat's done a good job with answering many things I could include here. I strongly recommend that you read all three books in The Jewel Series.

As far as writing is concerned, I personally felt like she has great one-liners, but her paragraphing / character thought-processing needs a little more tweaking. The story execution is excellent in Sapphire, but I do believe it needs a little more work in Ruby. So overall, my rating is as follows:

Sapphire → 4.5/5

Ruby → 4/5

Kat (@makeitmatter) was thus, automatically, one of the top 3 authors to be selected for TRA 2020 Guest Author's List. It gives us great pleasure to introduce her to you in the following interview. Enjoy! ❤️

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The Interview

(J: Jasmin, K: Kat)

J: Assalam Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, Kat!

K: Wa Alaykum As-Salam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu, Jasmin.

J: How are you, and how has the lockdown been treating you?

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