Chapter 1: Showing Emotions

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N: HOLD UP! Before you start reading this, I must add that Rin is 17 years old. Just to make it more clear to you to make the story better. SORRY, EnJoY!

She saw him approach her in the garden. Long, shining, silver hair blowing in the breeze. Shirtless, showing off his exposed, masculine pecks and abs. The two red slashes on each side of his face, showing that he was ruthless and dangerous, but loving towards her. Just the way she wanted it. The crescent moon on his head, showing the mystery and heritage of the sexy dog demon that was coming closer to her.

"Rin." He said in seductive tone of desire and lust.

"Yes Lord Sesshomaru." Rin said in a mesmerized tone of voice, as if the luscious sight before her had hypnotized her.

Sesshomaru came closer and closer to her until he was so close; she could hear his heart beat. His strong arms wrapped around her tiny waste and pulled her closer into his warmth. She looked up at him and he looked down at her. Their eyes locked together with passion. Sesshomaru lowered his head lower and lower. His lips just inches away from hers. Just as he was about to kiss her, a shrieking voice broke through the scene.




Rin shot out of her daydream and into the real world around her. Jaken was standing beside her, yelling and cursing at her.

"Rin, you foolish girl, you were daydreaming through your lessons again! You won't learn a thing if you don't pay attention!" Jaken scolded.

"Alright, alright, I'm sorry Master Jaken. You didn't have to hit me with your staff!" Rin said as she was rubbing the spot on her head where Jaken had lightly bumped with the Staff of Two Heads.

"Well, calling out your name didn't help. What else was I supposed to do?" Jaken said, "Honestly Rin, what are you daydreaming about that has you so entranced?"

A slight blush came over her. She wouldn't dare tell him or anyone else about her daydreams or 'fantasies'. "Oh, just some mindless thoughts, that's all." She said with a smile.

Jaken shook his head. "Well, continue with your lesson and I will check your work later. And I better not catch you staring off again!" He then left the room, leaving Rin with her proper grammar and writing skills.

Rin hated doing her lessons. She had to do at least 4 times a week and, finally, this was her last one. She would have to do defensive training, using attack skills with weapons, then poise and grace, the art of painting and other kind of stuff, and then finally grammar and writing. She was very tired by the end of the day and all she wanted to do after words was be in her private garden or being next to Sesshomaru.

'Lord Sesshomaru.' Rin thought. He was so wonderful. Although he looked murderous and ruthless, he was a complete gentleman once you got to know him. It aggravated her that people would think of him as a monster. If only they got to know how magnificent he really and truly is. Rin caught herself going into another daydream and quickly snapped back to reality. "If I want to be with Sesshomaru longer, than I'd better hurry and finish." She told herself and began with her work once more.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  Rin had managed to finish early and it was too early for dinner, so she decided to spend the remainder of her time in the garden. Rin walked through her garden, admiring all of the beautiful flowers blossoming for spring. She sat down on one of the decorated stone benches and picked the most beautiful flower that caught her eye. The inside of the flower was a deep blue that formed white on the edges. It had such a pleasant smell of the peony flower with the hint of vanilla. 'Sesshomaru wears the same fragrance of smell as this flower.' She thought, and in some way, the flower reminded her of him.

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