Chapter 5: A Promise is a Promise part 1

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Everything was silent. Not even a bird or cricket chirped. All eyes watched in horror at the sight before them. Sesshomaru stood there. His clothes ripped and tattered and his body almost completely covered in blood. He looked over at Rin with glazed eyes. His arm slightly outstretched to her.

"Rin." He whispered, and then fell backwards and into a large pool of his own blood.

"SESSHOMARU!" Rin screamed and ran towards him. She picked up his limp upper body and cradled him in her arms.

"Please…please don't die! Don't die on me Sesshomaru, I need you!" Images of her past with Sesshomaru flashed before her eyes as she sat there, holding his head to her breast protectively and crying hysterically.

"Sesshomaru…don't die, please…don't die!" Rin screamed. Sesshomaru made no movement to her cries and pleads. His eyes were closed, and his skin was now as white as sheetrock, his torn and tattered body bleeding profusely, causing her kimono to stain with crimson.

Tarakun let out yet another bone-chilling laugh. He had finally achieved what his family longed for, even though he despised his family, especially his father Royukon. Inuyasha growled at Tarakun.

"Damn you! I'll make sure you suffer!" Inuyasha grabbed the Tessaiga and ran to Tarakun.  "WINDSCAR!" He roared, and waves of electricity ran straight for Tarakun. The demon was barely able to dodge it. He quickly picked up his right arm and sword, then, turning into a large cloud of black smoke, he took flight, his voice hissing through the air.

"I'll come back to finish the carnage in which I have started!" He suddenly disappeared along with his scent.

Inuyasha sheathed his sword, and then turned back to look at Rin and the others.

Kagome ran toward Rin and sat beside her. "Hold on Rin, there still might be hope!" She pulled Sesshomaru out of Rin's tight grip and laid him back to the ground, trying to avoid the pool of blood that he was laying in. She carefully put two fingers to one side of his neck to feel his pulse. D-daddy, what's wrong with Uncoo? Why isn't he moving? What's Mommy doin' to him?" Moroha asked. Inuyasha quickly looked down to see Kohaku and moroha gazing frightfully at Sesshomaru body. "Shippo! Get the kids out of here. …They don't need to see such a sight." Shippo nodded and led the children away from such a morbid sight.

Seconds went by in silence. No pulse. Kagome's heart skipped a beat. Kagome:  'No…he cant' die and leave Rin like this…he's got too much to live for, Dammit!' Kagome growled in her head.

Just then, Kagome felt a beat vibrate to her fingers. A PULSE!

"He's still alive, but barely!" Kagome exclaimed. Rin felt some-what relief.

"Inuyasha! Miroku! I need you two to carry him into the hut so I can treat him!" Kagome told them. Inuyasha slid his arms under Sesshomaru's and Miroku picked up his feet, and they carefully, but quickly carried him into the hut and into a bed. Sango and Rin followed behind them.  Kagome went to a cabinet and pulled out every medical item she could find. She ran over to the bed and began to work on him.

Kagome ripped off the rest of his haori (kimono top) and began to clean the blood off of his chest and deep wounds. Everyone watched as Kagome took out a bottle called 'Peroxide' and started to dab the profusely bleeding wounds. Chemical after chemical and medicine after medicine was brought out and used. She scattered some herbs into the wounds to make them stop bleeding, which only stopped somewhat.

When Kagome was finished with Sesshomaru's upper body, she moved to his lower body, and then froze with a red-hot blush.

"What's wrong Kagome?" Sango asked.

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