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"and last stop on this tour is..."

I raised a brow at Yuki as she had lead me to a brick wall. "umm?" she just giggled and placed her hand on it. So soon as her hand touched the wall it turned into a door? which she just opened with ease.  'How? Um. What.' I questioned in utter confusion.

Behind this door was a short hallway that was only candle lit. 'Dam it I knew if I enter this building I wouldn't make it out. Why did I let my gard down. She's probably gonna chain me up a torcher me for eternity, or so shit. Fuck.'

At the end of the hall way was a large open door way to a large room. The room was also dark but brighter then the hallway. The walls are covered in tones of book shelves. Ithe dead bang center of the room was a desk with a small vintage lamp on it. Behind the desk sat an unclear figure.

"Gosh I will never understand why you like working in the dark." Yuki said to the unknown figure.

"Well sorry Im related to the shadow dragon and you are to light." A male voice responded without looking up.

"Yeah well that's your uncle remember, you were birthed by the iron dragon. Anyway turn the lights on we have a guest"

"A guest?" ith that they lifted their head and made intense eye countact with me which was quite threatening, but instantly broke it by

"Ah Y/N what are you doing here, you never come to visit. Dam look at you I seems time has Bearley pass you still have that 5 year old face of your. Wow I have seen you since your 6th birthday. How at you been. Oh right the light. How rude of me here take a seat at one of the sofa's next to the coffee table.


"I'm so confused wast going on here"
Waite you haven't told her
Well of course not I'm not going to talk about something this serious out side in the cold.
So what we're you 2 doing them
Um I gave her a tour of her building.
What. Wait. My building?
So what dose she know then
Everything in the letter. Duh that much is obvious
Well we should start of with proper introductions them
Yep I start
0-0 I confused
Well you see little dragon I am Yuki Drawer the daughter of the lighting dragon and demon beast hero's Luxus and Mirajane Drawer. My quirk is lightning demon. Basically I can create a demon out of lightning and order it to do what I want. I can also see from thire pov and control them that way.
And I'm Zen RedFox the son of the iron dragon and scripter hero. My uncle is also the shadow dragon. My quirk is matter control. I can basically control anything that can be formed into matter, the down side is I need to eat alot of iron for it to work. Oh and I was the one to send you the letter.
We were childhood friends with you parents.
They would fight on the front lines
While we helped behind the scenes.
OK. Um but um you mentioned earlyer that you were showing me around my building.
Ah yes well.
Y/N *looks you dead in the eye the nice man disappearing *what were about to tell you can never leave this room. You can't tell anyone bout this. You have the choice right now to walk away and live your life the way you are now, nothing changes.
Or stay, and know what was in your parents will but have your life turned upside down back to front and left to right. It will be in complete secret you won't be able to tell anyone about whats going on not even your loved one.

So what will it be. The choices is yours but know there is no second chance what you say is final. No do overs OK.

Well in that case I guess...

Promise you wont leave Bakugou xreaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang