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O-K, OK, OKayyy. Hold the fuck UP. WHAT.

Well um in simple terms. Our generation was supposed to the the last actually its a mirical that you have magic after all every other child born after our gen were actually born normal so most of us ended up having  a child with someone who has a quirk so at least the child would be born with a quirk. so um yeah any way any questions 

um YES. first what do you mean by fairytail? next what dose this have to do with my parents will? and how dose this all this change my life that I can let anyone know? 

oh right all that, weeeellllllllll. during the war the wizard split into different guilds that were located in different sectors, you can think of it like Hogwarts houses we all have the same goal but our values and ways we reach that goal is different. there are quite a few actually. Fairytail, Sabertooth, Blue Pegasus and Lamia Scale which are the main 4 but there are others like :Mermaid Heel, crime sorciere, Twilight Ogre, Quatro Cerberus and more. Me, Yuki and your parents were all sorted into fairytail just like you. 

but you don't really need to worried about guilds to much since you'll have access to all of them for you see this building is the most modern updated version of the magic council. we basically look over all the guilds make sure they stay in line and follow all the rules. we oh and help out both heroes and villains.

wait, wait what. why.

its not our place to judge what is good and evil. its our job to help out others as long as there justification/ reasoning doesn't go against what we believe and our morals. Just think of us like the mafia just smarter and with more power.

your parents were the last to be incharge of this place and all 4 of us agree that it would be best to leave this place to you. and sice you techncally cant work legally till 16 your last year of middle school will be spent in training, well teach you how to use your magic, combat, all the legal stuff, all our diffrent sectors, what the gifts your parents left behide do and as you are the last fairytail member the 3 fairy spells Fairy Law, Fairy Glitter and Fairy Sphere. thats everything right.

must be and if not will tell you when we rember. Any who if youll follow us through this hallway will introduce you to your new gardian.

n-new gardian.

dont you rember you picked the unknow and when we said your life will change we ment everything.

Yah but don't worrie you know this person. Afterall they were just as close to your parent as we are. the only diffrence being we knew this side of you parents while they knew the hero side.

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