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Then it hit me. Only one thing could do this kind of damage to a vampire. Only one little thing...

My soulmate is dead...

Lorenzo "Enzo" pov.

Before I even got to meet her. Well that is shitty luck. I didn't even want a soulmate, but every bloody vampire gets one. It kinda hurt to know she died, before I even got to meet her. Of course it hurt that was the soulmate bond. I didn't even know her yet my life would feel like hell.

It did cause me to wonder, how did she die. Was she murdered? Who murdered her? How was I going to murder them? Maybe I would call up my old friend and see if he has any information. Knowing my shitty luck he probably did.

The one person I haven't talk to in years have all the information I needed. That just sounds like it would happen to me. Nobody but me.

Well I guess I was going to have to plan a trip to Mystic Falls. I heard it was nice there. A nice little small town that aparently has a lot of animal attacks. Sounds just like the place Damon would be, beside the fact it was small. He hates small towns, he founds them boring. This little soulmate of his must have changed him.

Bonnie pov.

I watched as Elena, Damon, Caroline, Stefan, Tyler, and Alaric searched for clues to bring me back. Each had a dead end. Elena and Damon went to some some exotic cured Island. Caroline and Stefan visited a witch coven in Maine. Tyler searched in the mountains. While Alaric was going to ask the Mikaelsons for help.

I only knew a little about the Mikaelsons. There was the oldest, Freya. She was a witch who was aparently token as a child, but also one of the strongest witches known. She married a werewolf named Keelin.

Finn. The second oldest. He was the most willing to turn his back on his siblings, all expect Freya. He was going to kill them before Klaus killed him. I could see why Klaus killed his brother, it actually made sense... For once.

Elijah. The noble brother. He was friends with Elena. The Mikaelson we knew the best, the one we trust the most. His soulmate turned out to be a werewolf alpha named Hayley Marshall. The terrible thing was when he first met her she was married to Jackson Kenner. Somehow Hayley and Elijah still ended up together.

Klaus. Most call him the bastard. His own father tried to kill him. We'll never know why. He had this creepy obession over Caroline, but one day he just dropped it. The news was he met his soulmate, Camille O'Connell. A human. Which surprised all of us. Surprisingly she's still human, you'd think he would of turned her by now, it's been five years.

Kol. Always on the winning side even if it met betraying his siblings. Jeremy ended up killing him. Right after Kol met Davina..

Rebeckah. The youngest. She was freinds with Caroline and Elena. According to Stefan, Rebeckah is just looking for someone to love. It's sweet really.

I wacthed as Alaric grabbed his phone ready to call the Mikaelsons. "You better hope this works, Bonnie." He said, but mostly to himself than to me.

I wacthed as he put Klaus' number into the phone. "Come on, pick up." He muttered. Alaric started to pace, when finally he stopped. "We got ourselves into a problem, and I was hoping your sister Freya could help." I hear Alaric say. He was silent for a moment. "Bonnie, she died trying to close the veil." I heard him explain. He wasn't entirely right.

Relief came on to Alaric's face. "Yes, we'll see you then." Alaric said, as he hung up. "It worked Bonnie Bennett, it worked."

There will be a Benzo meeting real soon don't worry.

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