For the love of..

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She let go of him and backed away to look at me. "And you are?" She asked. I laughed.

"Lorenzo, but my Freinds calls me Enzo.. oh wait I don't have freinds." I tell she. I watched as she tries not to laugh.
Quick authors note Alaric is a Original vampire in this story, I don't know if I was clear on the before😂
Enzo pov

I watched as Bonnie, Damon, and the random blonde man talk. As they all ingored me, Bonnie would throw me a occasional look. But then she would go back to talking to Damon. "We should tell Elena, Stefan, Tyler, Jerem-" Damon was interpreted by Bonnie. "Not Jeremy." He was confused but he didn't press any further.

Who was Jeremy? Why did she hate him? Is he the reason she died? Do I have to kill this Jeremy? Well if he was the reason she died he would have to die... Not my rules, well I mean it was my rules... But with the whole soulmate thing... Jeremy just had to go.

What was I saying soulmate thing? I didn't want a soulmate... I just wanted to go back to normal without the whole dead soulmate thing. I was planning to never meet her so I would never get attached. Of course that plan didn't work. Since here she was.

"Who's Jeremy?" I asked. Everyone looked at me like I killed their brother... Which to be honest I may have killed someone related to the blonde vampire. There's always a possibility.

"My ex boyfriend." Bonnie responsed. An ex? Well it's obvious she would have one. With how lovely she is. Snap out of it! Damn you!

"An ex, the lovely Bonnie Bennett has gotten her heart broken?" I've gotten my heartbroken a million time... The on I remember the clearest is Lillian Satlvatore. I never told Damon that I had feelings for her... He would've thought I've gone soft. Wich by now I definitely have. Just because of a silly little witch. "None of your business." She shouted as she went back to the little group huddle they had going on. Vampire's being friends with witches... That's a first. Then again a witch is my soulmate.. which I thought was impossible. Which it is by the way.

Why did I have to have a soulmate again? Oh yeah it's a vampire thing that everyone has to suffer.

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