How to grow closer to an INFP

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I know, I'm just full of this relationship INFP stuff, I don't even know why...anyway, here we go

Be the one to initiate the conversation. Most of the time we're too shy, so you'll have to come to us.

Talk about your interests, and ask us about ours. We have many passions and creative minds, and would love to share if you're interested. And we want to have interesting talks with you as well, and want to know more about you too!

Do give us some space. Alone time is important to us. Not because we hate you or we hate people, it just gives us a chance to recharge our batteries. In a world where we're expected to constantly interact with others, we do need some solitude every now and then

Show us you care. Just by asking how our day went, that's good enough. We care deeply about those we're close with, and we do often hope that when we take care of others it will be reciprocated, even slightly

(Especially in a romantic relationship) Please, please let us have a deep emotional attachment. INFPs don't often look for stuff like one-night stands and "no strings attached" relationships. We crave emotional bonding, being very in-tune with our often wild and strong feelings. If you can't have this type of relationship, then don't have one with us in the first place. We care deeply about our loved ones, like I mentioned before.

If you can open up to us so we can listen and comfort you (we're not called the Healers for nothing!), and we can open up to you as well, with not too much argument, we'll be happy together
Be kind. We're sensitive and although we'll try not to show it, we get hurt easily. So just be kind with your words, we'll remember them for a long while.

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