Chapter 2

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        I couldn't get her face out of my mind, mostly because there was something familiar about it but I couldn't quite place what. I was so lost in thought that I didn't realise that Mr. K, my math teacher, was asking me something. I suddenly snapped out of my trance just when he said, "Cole, can you solve this problem on the board for the entire class?" 

         Now, any normal student would have told the teacher that they weren't paying attention, but I wasn't normal, after all. Looking at the dusty board, I quickly evaluated the answer in my head and confidently moved towards the board to write down my solution.  An impressed look glowed on the teacher's face. I wasn't about to get embarrassed twice in one day.

 Or so i thought..

         Lunch was a disaster, to say the least. I didn't know anyone and just like every other stereotypical school, each table had a clique. I could already spot the jocks, the populars, the bad boys, the drama club and the nerds. In my old school, I did my best to hide among the unimportant crowd and I had no intention to stand out in this school either. If you thought having to sit nowhere was bad, the lunch line was a nightmare. I regret not listening to my mom and just buying something on my way but me being my stubborn self, didn't listen. Everyone's sharp gazes were on me and I could hear people whispering about me as well. I kept getting cut in the lunch line because apparently, being new meant being insignificant. After what seemed like ages, I finally got my food and carried my tray to the absolute end of the cafeteria, to a single bench I had spotted next to the window. 

         As I looked out the window, my eyes rested on a familiar head of jet black hair. She was sitting on the grass, her back supported by a huge banyan tree. Her nose was buried in a book, her face looking at ease, not as frustrated as when I bumped into her earlier. My eyes brushed over her oddly familiar facial features when my heart froze as a pair of dark green irises came in contact with mine...

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