I'm bad at naming chapters....

36 1 12

  (Alexanders pov)

I've decided. i'm finding them this year and we will date for a while then get married and adopt children and spend the rest of our days loving each other and- wow i'm getting ahead of myself let's work on step one find them. I take out my dark blue marker and draw a big line on my cheek so if I see them I will know. And I walk into kings college.

I enter an office and get a key from a miss Washington "room 1776 roomates: thomas jefferson and john laurens" T and J could be a coincidence but I have a feeling it's not.

I open the door and see a freckled boy with a blue line on his face. Happy tears threaten to pour down my face. He looks up at me and i Jump towards him and tackle him soon a hug which becomes a kiss becomes a make out session I pull away after a about three minutes.

"J or T?"


"hmm John?"

"how did you know?"

"It's the second most popular male name in the US. I guessed." 

"oh ok" he laughed a bit. "and whats your name? Anthony? Andrew? Alexander?"


"beutifull name for a beautiful person" 

Suddenly I don't know what happened. I'm overrun with power I look at John with pure fear. my eyes turn completely white and I'm floating in the air absorbing something that looks like light or some wierd shit. It's probably all the new powers. But it's not supposed to hurt this bad, I'm only supposed to end Up with 3! And with great timing our other roommate walks in and almost faints at the sight Freckles grabs my hand and pulls me down to him my body stops with the light thing. They have no idea what's going on. Neither do I!

"freckles I'm so sorry I have no idea what is happening to me! I'm scared!" I began crying but not alot and I turn around to look at our other roommate who also has a blue line oh his face

"T?" he nods and I run over to him but I'm 2 feet away when it starts again but much worse he tries to come near me and I begin to scream. He jumps back. "T, im s-so s-sorry" this goes on for about 2 more minutes before my body is apparently done with whatever the hell that was.

"What the fuck was that A are you ok?"

"I don't know I cant-I cant stop it" I began to sob into my hands

"Hey it's ok you're ok we're here everythings gonna be fine we will get through this together ok?"

I nod and stand up to kiss him then it happens again but longer and more painful brighter scary I can't control myself when it's over I start darting around too fast to comprehend small lightning bolts shooting from my hands papers and things flying everywhere. T had to tackle me to the ground to stop me we sat back on the couch to talk things out.

(Time skip) 2:43 am a few days later

"Alexander come back to sleep"


I was up typing furiously on my computer working on a essay for da-mr.whashington that is due in a month.



"Well i'm going back to sleep" Before he could walk back to his bed I grabbed his arm

"Hey, I love you so much my gorgeous freckled soulmate" I kissed his hand.

John went back to sleep and about 3-4 hours later

"Good morning my tall af soulmate"

"How do you do it?"

"Do what, love?"

"That! make me fall in love with you all over again every time you speak"

"to be honest I have no idea why you and john even tolerate me but i'm grateful that you do"

"Hm why do I love you lets see your beautiful eyes im drownin em, your intelligence, your very hot,you're so understanding,too nice for you own good,your stubbornness is so cute, the way you make me and john fell equally loved, how you deal with all that's happened to you so well,-"

"Ok ok I get it and what about my depression, scars, the fact that I don't sleep most nights, those times I lost control and almost killed you, the fact that I can barely even kiss you without going crazy""

"Alexander hamilton I have been telling you this for years your perfectly imperfect I love your perfect imperfections"

I close my computer and go cuddle with Thomas for a few minutes before it happens again. Why is it so much worse with Thomas what the hell is my body absorbing? Just why?!

"Thomas im-"

"Lex if you say sorry one more."
"Ok ok, but can you get me down please?"

"Of course."

He reached up and grabbed both my hands to pull me back to the bed and it stopped.

But we cant kiss anymore and I hate it this is so annoying! I sigh and teleport over to my closet (I couldn't do that 5 minutes ago). I pull out a dark blue t-shirt and black jeans and get dressed. It was a bad idea to get dressed with Thomas in the room. A very stupid idea. Because the moment he felt anything it happened again but much much worse than ever before I began screaming in pain and crying. Then johns ran in "it hurts p-please help me please h-help me!"

a/n: sorry its so short I didnt like a couple parts so I deleted them did you like this chapter?  If you like the story so far maybe think about voting if not please tell me what I can do to improve!

byeeee bbys 💕

Perfectly Imperfect(Jamilams soulmate/magic au)Where stories live. Discover now