11. Silent Treatment

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I woke up feeling tired. What a surprise. Recalling Laito's words and expressions, a shiver runs down my spine. It was scary. I was scared. But now I am mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted. I stay true to my word. I will give Laito, Reiji and Shu silent treatment. "Ah, fuck" I sighed out. "Might as well be all of them."

Today was the weekend and I had plenty of time to waste. I walked towards Yui's room and stopped myself from knocking on the door as soon as I heard sucking noises and grunts escaping her room. Ayato is going at it first thing in the morning. I sighed and turned around to walk downstairs but a cold voice stopped me, "Oi, woman." Still facing towards the stairs I turned my head to the side. I took notice of Yuis passed out body on the bed and Ayato leaning on her door frame, with a challenging smile. His brow irked upwards. He seemed to get uncomfortable at my emotionless gaze. Hearing people already gathering downstairs I yawned, interrupting Ayatos speech and walking downstairs. "Boy, I'm hungry" I whispered to myself. 

At the table, while sipping apple juice I dismissed my  manners and stared at the pearl white ceiling. I didn't acknowledge anyone this morning, which made everyone noticeably feel weird. I didn't say a word. I barely even glanced at them. "Natsuki, are you keeping up with school?" Reiji's stern but somewhat desperate voice comes through. Hah, he didn't say anything about my manners. I tilted my head forward to look at him. I felt everyone including Reiji tense up. My resting face is pretty scary after all. After observing his face for about  two seconds I placed my cup down and sighed while shoving food in my mouth. After a pause he clicked his tongue and whisper some cruel things to himself. Laito got up and walked over to my side, and then leaned over my shoulder, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Oi!" Ayato growled after angerly jerking up from his seat. "Fufu-...What is it Kitten-Chan, did I make you speechless last night." Shu opened his eyes to send Laito a glare, followed up with Reiji.  I however remained silent, making everyone feel uncomfortable. I got up and swiftly passed Laito without a glance over to Subaru's side. Ayato bursts out laughing and Laito gives him a disapproving look. "Why are you laughing, the same thing happened to you up stairs." Laito darky giggled. Before Ayato could bark back I grab Subarus arm and place it on my chest above my heart. I brightly smiled and squeezed his arm tighter on my chest. Glass shattering, silverware clashing, the Sakamaki brothers seemed to have gotten up from their chairs. Subaru slightly blushed and growled at me. "What the hell do you think you're doing?".  I smiled even brighter and giggled. "Subaru let's study together in my room with Kanato and Yui tonight". Yui and Kanato were partners for a group project and had to work on it together and I thought it would be nice to invite Subaru and myself to join them. He quickly snatched his hand away and clicked his tongue. "Whatever" He got up and left the room, Kanato as well, as he seemed really uninterested in what was going on at the moment, leaving me feeling pleased and accomplished. 

"What the hell." Ayato growled, "You don't say a single word to us but you're over here touching on and smiling to Subaru?!" He added angerly. My eyes slightly widened and I furrowed my brows together. Ayato didn't bite me yet. Not to mention I shared an embarrassing, shameful memory with him that night near the fountain. I shared a more embarrassing night with Reiji but still couldn't help but feel weird about Ayato. I blushed and turned my gaze away towards the floor while playing with my hair. I owe him. "Sorry, Ayato-Kun" I quietly said catching everyone off guard. While Ayato stood there dumbfounded with red ears looking at my lips, Laito pulled his fedora hat down and quietly sat back down, tapping his foot. "Well, well, well...Seems like I wasn't Natsuki's first kiss" Laito rasped out, his foot tapping stopped and his smile wavered. The glass in Shu's hand all of a sudden broke as he stood up, closing his eyes and grabbing my hand. Reiji was in deep thought, he looked bitter and had his fists scrunched together tightly, before adjusting his glasses back to the ridge of his nose and walking away from dining room. 

Shu pulled me in towards his body possessively and opened his now sharp eyes towards Ayato and Laito. "Not the second one either..." He added on. Laitos eyes went wide, hurt evident in his poisonous eyes, before closing them and taking a deep breath. "I see" He firmly said. Ayato was now deep in thought staring off into space before returning his gaze towards me. His eyes were dark  and desperate. It seems like he wants to tell me something really bad, but he can't because Shu and Laito are present. 

Shu turns around and drags me with him. "Anyone else Natsuki?!" Laito crazily screams out, catching us off guard. Shu stopped walking still looking upfront and holding my hand while I slightly turned back to view Laito's crazy expression. Wow, he finally snapped. Ayato was surprised by Laitos impulsive scream and clicked his tongue, teleporting out of the room. "Who is next Slut-Chan?" His voice became lower and sickly sweet. I am really close to losing my cool. How dare he disrespect me. "Slut?" I growled at Laito, eyes deadlier than ever. My hand grew tighter around Shu's firm grip. I crazily smiled, eyes wide, giggling. "Laito-Kun, you have a few loose screws. I don't belong to you, why are you getting so frustrated?" I mockingly yelled at him. He stood there in shock at my response. " Tch. Don't make me hurt your feelings Laito, I know more about you than you do about yourself". My eyes turned softer before facing towards Shu's back and before I know it Shu had teleported us away from the scene. It was true. I did know more than him. He is so clearly lost and stuck on his traumatic past. Slut? Those bastards are always throwing themselves at me and taking what they want. I can barely control what they do. I pouted and then yawned. 

"Cordelia....you witch." I whispered to myself. "What did you just say" Shu growled out behind me. I gasped and turned around. I forgot this moron was the one that teleported us to his room. "I said God you bitch" I childishly spat out while scratching my belly. He didn't look amused and grabbed me by my hair. "Anyway Natsuki. Won't you be a dear and sleep with me tonight?"


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