Chapter 1

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Iskall stood by the tracks, not knowing why or how he got there. He stood there aimlessly, not moving. His mind was blank as he stared at the tracks. He heard a train whistle in the distance, getting louder as it came closer. Iskall looked up and the train stopped in front of him, the conductor coming out to greet him.

"Why hello there!" The conductor said, "What are you doing out here by yourself?" Iskall stared blankly at the familiar conductor.


"Eh, don't bother remembering. It's not that important anyway!" The conductor held out his hand, "I'm Conductor Bdubs, and I'm inviting you onto the Hermitcraft Express! This train doesn't go anywhere in particular, just a place to forget about the struggles of life." He grinned, his teeth pointed and sharp.

Iskall was quiet, didn't even shake the conductor's hand. He was confused for the most part, why was he here? What did this Conductor Bdubs want?

"Now, follow me inside!" Conductor Bdubs said, leading Iskall inside, "There might be some people you want to meet..." His voice got a bit dangerous, scaring Iskall a little.

"Right..." Iskall followed the conductor into the navy blue train, spotting a few of his friends.

Grian, Etho, Stress, False, Keralis, Doc, Ren, Zedaph, and Wels?

"Iskall!" Grian exclaimed, jumping off his seat and running to him, "Thank god you're here. I was getting a bit uncomfortable..." He looked nervously at the conductor behind Iskall. Bdubs grinned and waved, then made his way to the front of the train. They were all quiet until Bdubs left.

"Does anyone know what's wrong with him?" Etho asked.

"He doesn't seem like our Bdubs, thats for sure." Doc said.

"Better question," False intervened, "Why are we all here?" They were all quiet. Why were they all there?

"I dunno," Ren said, "But by judging the atmosphere, I don't think its for a good reason..."

Ren was right. The train was dark, with little light of the moon shining through the curtains of the windows. The lamps that hung off the ceiling gave off a cold blue light, adding to the mysterious aura of the train. The red stains on the carpet and walls didn't look like a good sign either.

I have a bad feeling about this... Iskall thought, why did I board this train??

"I'm sure its not that bad!" Stress said, trying to be optimistic, "Whatever it is, we can handle it together!" Zedaph nodded in agreement.

Hello! This is your conductor speaking! A voice came on the announcer, It's 10 pm, which means lights out! Please make your way to your respective room. Have a good rest everyone!

Lights out? Iskall thought, What type of train is this?

"C'mon Iskall," Grian said, "I know its weird, but that's just how this train works I guess." The hermits made their way to their room, as the lights flickered off. It was pitch black, you could barely see your hand in front of you. Iskall hurried to his room, not wanting to be alone in the dark. He shut the door, leaning against it.

"Deep breaths, Iskall," he told himself, "It'll be fine...I'm sure the bad feeling isn't true." He looked around his room, noticing it had many of the same features as the main car. 

Red aura... Iskall noticed, It looks like a fricking murder took place here...


It was quiet in the dark hallways of the train. Bdubs made his way back to the cockpit as he finished checking the halls for any stragglers. He didn't realize the footsteps behind him as he entered the room. He saw a glimmer in the reflection on a window, then looking behind him.

"Hello! It's lights out, so what're you doing all the way here?" Bdubs turned to face the figure, only to be glared back with eyes filled with a thirst for blood.

"Just had a feeling..." They raised the knife, cornering Bdubs into the front of the train, "that something bad..." the hermit put one hand over his mouth, making sure no yells or pleads were heard. "..Was going to happen.." they continued, stabbing the knife into his gut, twisting it as he continued speaking in a hushed tone, "to our little Train Conductor~".

The hermit chuckled, watching as the life in Bdubs's bright brown eyes faded away into a dull shade, his breathe stopping, though the blood only started.

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