Chapter 3

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"Ren! Iskall!" Stress exclaimed, as she saw the boys in the caboose.

"Oh, hey Stress," Iskall said, "What's up?"

"I just wanted to talk about who you think is the murderer," Stress said, a bit worried, "I'm kinda anxious about this whole thing."

"Yeah..." Ren agreed, "I don't even know why everyone's blaming me. I didn't even do anything!"

Iskall and Stress were quiet; their friend wouldn't kill people...right? Ren looked at them.

"You guys believe me...right?"

"Well um-" Iskall started.

"Of course we do!" Stress said, trying to sound genuine. She looked at the South African, a bit sadly. Ren knew she was lying, but decided to play along.

"That's good, at least some people can trust me."

Iskall looked over to Stress, confusion and disgust on his face.

Why'd she lie?? He thought, clearly disgusted that she had the guts to lie in front of her friend. She looked down sadly, tensing a bit.

"Um...anyway," Iskall said, "I'm just watching Etho, Keralis, and Zedaph. They didn't show up for the meeting, so one of them was probably hiding or something..."

Stress nodded. "Although, the murderer could've shown up, too. And those three could've just skipped it."



Stress walked to her room, inspecting each of the cars as she walked in. Ren and Iskall followed behind her.

So Wels, False, and Grian are in the main car... everyone else is either in their rooms or somewhere else...

"Night, Stress." Iskall said, waving goodnight to her. Ren waved slightly to her as well.

She waved back, closing the door behind her. She took off her pink jacket, hanging it in the closet before making herself comfortable in the bed. Moonlight shone through the window as the train continued on. Stress stared at the ceiling, too scared to sleep. She sighed softly, as she heard the others head to their own rooms.

Hopefully no more murders happen tonight... Stress thought, closing her eyes. Her eyes snapped open, as she heard the window open, fear filling her.

"It's not nice to lie to your friend," said the figure at the window. Their voice was soft and calming. Stress was frozen with fear.

Move!! Scream!! Do something!! She told herself, but she couldn't.

"Too bad," she heard a gun being loaded, "You can't even apologize."

No no no no! MOVE STRESS, MO-


Hey! Link here! Sorry this chapter is so short, getting into the habit of writing everyday again lol

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2020 ⏰

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