"Welcome to Fallen Academy" - Chapter 1

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Welcome to Fallen Academy~ Chapter 1

You let out a soft sigh as you kept looking out of your mother's car window. Your favourite song playing softly through your earbuds. You briefly made eye contact with your mother through the review mirror before dragging your attention back outside the car.

Mother: Hunny, I keep telling you. This is for your own good.

Your mother tried to reassure her but you were having none of it.

Your mother let out a dissapointed sigh and keep her eyes focus on the road ahead.

Oh how much your life gonna change.

Mother: We're here.

You tried to keep yourself steady as you saw the car approaching a huge gate.

You tried to keep yourself steady as you saw the car approaching a huge gate

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After just a few seconds, the car came to a halt stop. Your mom turned around and took a long glance at you. Holding back tears, she told...

Mother: I'm so sorry this is happening hunny. After the divorce with your father, I can't raise a teen like you by my own. I'm so sorry.

You raised an eyebrow as you opened the car door. Silently, you managed to get 2 of your travelling luggage by yourself. You then proceed to walk towards where your mom stands.

You: You don't have to pretend mom. I know you. You could've raised me by yourself but our neighbour isn't making it easy for you, isn't he? What's his nam- ah, Mr. Cawood. Hope you will be happy with him. It's okay though, I forgive you. Just- wish me luck.

With that, You walked in and didn't look back. What you didn't see was your mother looking at you, stunned. Exposed stunned.


Your jaw dropped at the sight in front of you. This place is huge!!

'Hello dear, how may I help you?'

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'Hello dear, how may I help you?'

A voice called out, making you snap out of your daydream.

You turned to your left and saw a lady on her mid 50's, smiling at you sweetly making you return the gesture. From what you expect, this lady must the be receptionist. You made your way towards the old lady.

You: Um. Hi. My name is Y/n Y/l/n. New addition to The Fallen Academy.

Lady: Ah! It's you. Here you go dear. Your room key. Room 286.

You: Thank you!

You flashed the lady one last smile before picking up your luggage. The lady must've seen you struggling a bit cause,

Lady: Hey Dalton! Would you mind helping this young lady here?

The receptionist lady told to one of the students that walked by. Then, one of your luggage was taken away from you.

Dalton: Here, let me help you with that.

You turned your head and took a closer look at the person beside you. His brown hair and eyes really stood out.

You: It's okay. I can manage it.

You gave him a polite smile.

Dalton: Just let me do it. You must be tired.

He flashed you a larger smile. Feeling defeated, you nodded your head politely.

Lady: Oh and also dear-

Both you and Dalton turned to look at the friendly receptionist.

Lady: 'Welcome to Fallen Academy.'


Weee!!! First chapter is up!! Shorter than I intended but I'm already working on chapter 2 soooo until then! Also sorry about the room number thingy. Idk how real dorm stuffs works :))

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