Chapter 34

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The next day consisted of yet another flight, this time it was a quick trip to Baltimore. We spent the next couple days helping Jack get ready to leave, hanging out with his family, and spending more quality time together. Unfortunately, it was over all too quickly. Our flights out were around the same time, so we rode to the airport together.

“Find anything good?” Jack asked as I flipped through one of the many magazines at the small store in the terminal. I held up the copy of ‘People’s Sexiest Men’ issue that I was flipping through and he laughed. “I hope you didn’t find anything good in there.”

“I dunno, I kind of like this guy,” I pointed to a photo of Matt Bomer. “I bet he doesn’t have to go on tour and leave his poor girlfriend at her apartment in Portland,” I pouted, handing the money to the cashier and putting it in my purse.

“I bet he wouldn’t love his girlfriend as much as I love mine,” Jack sang, causing me to roll my eyes and laugh. “Jules, if I could take you with me you know I would. I would do anything to keep you with me,” he sighed, squeezing my hand.

“I know, it still sucks though,” I huffed, still pouting like a small child.

“I know, babe,” he laughed at the look on my face and swung our hands back and forth.

“Now boarding for Portland, Oregon,” I heard the voice over the intercom call.

“I guess that’s me,” I said quietly.

“Fifteen days, okay? Fifteen days,” he smiled and kissed me softly.

“Fifteen days,” I nodded. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I turned to walk away, Jack lightly slapping my ass. I shot him a fake glare as some people around us gave us dirty looks.

“What, I can’t touch my girlfriend on the butt?” he pouted, causing me to laugh.

“Goodbye, Jack,” I rolled my eyes and smiled.

“Bye, babe,” he grinned and I turned and got on my plane.

I spent the entire time touching up my resume on my computer and listening to the new All Time Low CD. I was sitting next to a girl who was probably around 16 years old. She was wearing a Pierce the Veil shirt. She kept looking over at me nervously, so when the drink service came around I started a conversation with her.

“So, who’s your favorite? Vic, Mike, Jaime, or Tony?” I smiled, motioning to her shirt. She looked down at her clothing then looked back at me shyly.

“Tony,” she said quietly.

“He’s pretty cool, I think Vic’s my favorite,” her face broke into a smile. “I’m Jules, by the way.”

“I know who you are,” she blushed. “You’re dating Jack Barakat, right?” I laughed and nodded. “I’m Eliza.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Eliza. So if you know who I am, do you listen to All Time Low?” she nodded excitedly. “Who’s your favorite?”

“Zack,” she said and blushed even more.

“Zack’s a sweetheart. I’m sure he would be very flattered that he’s your favorite, I’ll tell him,” her eyes got wide and she grinned.

“This might sound really stupid, but my friends will never believe that I met you, so do you think you could take a picture with me?” she blurted out quickly. I laughed and nodded. She held out her phone and snapped a photo of us.

“Look good?” she nodded. “Awesome.”

“Could you tell something to the band for me?” she asked quietly, I could see her eyes watering. “Could you thank them for me? My brother died in a car accident and their music really helped me get through a lot,” she sniffed, wiping her eyes with her sleeves.

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