I wanna have another baby with you

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A/N: this takes place about 10 years after they graduate and Hermione is the new Arithmancy teacher after Professor Septima Vector retired and since it was mentioned by her that arithmancy might be her favorite subject she jumped right on the opportunity, but her teaching skills definitely are like professor McGonagall's i also write way too detailed to fit this in one imagine so there will be a part two also i started to add songs to go with my imagines sometimes they make be background noise (like this) or actual songs but you can listen to them while reading i thought it would be fun

"we expect 10 inches of rain the next two hours, so that's going to spike major flooding in the Hogsmeade area, along with 33 mph winds that might cause a couple trees to come down. So be careful fellow wizards and witches I suggest that you all get home right now and buckle down for the ni-."  I change the station to some relaxing music, cutting off the wether man speaking in the radio.

I sigh and carefully drive down the winding roads with my windshield wipers frantically moving back and forth to clear the windshield so i can attempt to see, although it's not helping much because of how hard it's raining it's almost impossible to see 2 feet in front of me. I'm on my way to Hogwarts so I can pick up my wife Hermione since her day is over and i'm already running late, while driving I hit a big bump and start to hydroplane a little scaring me a since I hate to be out in the rain. It's scares me when I'm alone and even worse when I have other people in the car. I pull over taking a deep breath regaining my composure and look through my rear view mirror to see my son still asleep in his car seat and the bump not effecting him what so ever. I then get back on the road and continue to drive not daring to take my eyes if the road for a second.

Hermione and I adopted our son, Jack two years ago when he was still a newborn. He was left on the doorstep of the local orphanage in Hogsmeade, and my friend Clara who is the head of  the bad news segment at my job for the Daily Prophet, told me about what happened to him because it was going into the paper the next day and her team was in charge of writing the article, Hermione and I were in the process of adopting at the time but we were looking at a different orphanage a little way out of town. I ended up telling her about the story Clara told me and she just wanted to go see the little boy, and when we both first laid our eyes on him we knew he was the one we wanted to call our son.

after a few more minutes of driving I finally come to a halt outside of Hogwarts, I see a dark figure waving frantically i squint and make it out to be Hermione.

"Babe, what are you doing? get in the car!" I try to scream out to her over the loud pouring rain "No, come in!" she shouts back "What why?" i question with the raise of an eyebrow. She keeps waving me over so I get out of the car whip open the back door and unbuckling Jack, who at this point is wide awake and crying from the loud cracking thunder he's never been good with storms. I pick him up out of the seat, and run in the door Hermione is holding open while holding jack as tight as I can and by the time i'm inside i'm soaking wet and dripping trying to calm down our crying child. "shhh it's alright" i softly say trying to sooth him, but another loud rumble of thunder arrives and he starts crying louder and i continue to bounce him up and down in my arms til the crying finally slows to a small fuss.

"what are we doing here mione?" I question while running my one free hand through my wet hair to comb it out of my face "we're staying the night tonight, dumbledore didn't want us driving anymore in this then we had to and it was his orders that we stay" she replies "Well i mean home is only like at 15 minute drive i don't understand why we couldn't just go sleep in our own beds tonight" I reply a little frustrated "Y/N, he was trying to be nice. Plus you know you don't have the best vision and you're not wearing your glasses" Hermione raises her voice at me a little "Mione, Jack and I are both soaking wet and we don't have spare clothes so what are we gonna do catch a cold while our car is sitting out there and we could easily leave" I say gesturing towards the door "God, you can't let anyone do anything nice for you can you? do you always have to be this difficult!" she shouted at me causing my eyes to widen. The hallway full of students went quiet and they're eyes shot over to us.

Hermione Granger ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now