A New Adventure

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When it was nighttime and Tom was asleep, he could still hear those wall and cat noises around him. He should be used to it by now, but tonight they just kept him awake. He kept trying to keep his eyelids shut, but couldn't. When he finally decided to open them, he locked eyes with another pair from the windowsill. When he turned away to turn on the lamp on the bedside table, whatever was at the window immediately landed on him startling him. "What the--" he turned the light on, and sitting on top of him licking itself, was a very familiar gray and black cat. Tom couldn't believe it.
"...Ringo?" He asked.
The cat meowed as if replying yes.
Tom started yelling, "Ringo, where have you been?! Edd had missed you, Matt went looking for you, and I--" he stopped. "...am talking to a cat."
Ringo gave Tom a confused look, then stretched herself out as if asking to be pet.
"Alright, yeah, I'm glad to see you." Tom started petting her. "How did you find me..?"
Ringo stood back up and jumped off the bed and onto the table, where the bowling ball was gone.
"Okay, didn't expect you to answer my question anyway." Tom got out of bed and walked over to Ringo picking her up. There were more noises around the walls, which Ringo hissed and cried at. "Don't like them either?" Ringo jumped out of Tom's arms and over to the door flicking her tail, looking back at Tom as if motioning for him to follow.
"Taking me on another adventure, are you?" He joked, but she just walked out the door. "Okay, okay." Tom followed her.
As they were walking down the hallway the noises started getting louder and Ringo's ears were flat, as if she didn't like something. They stopped in front of the locked door that was now glowing. "Um..?" Tom started, but Ringo's head pushed the door open. "Oh." They walked in, and it seemed like a completely normal room; it had a dull table with a couple dull chairs, a dull couch, and a dull painting on the wall. But most noticeable of all: another door, which was glowing.
Ringo jumped up on one of the chairs and picked up a black key from off the table with her mouth. She stood on the table looking at Tom, trying to give him the key. Tom took it and looked over it in his hand. It was cold and made of metal, but it also had a large black button on the non-key end.
Ringo jumped off the table and went over to the door. She looked at the door, then shook her head. Tom put the key in and turned it until he heard a click. Ringo hissed. Then, he opened the door.
Inside was a tunnel made out of who knows what, filled with colors that include blue, red, purple, and green. Ringo jumped inside, and Tom followed. The door may have been big enough to walk through, but the tunnel got more narrow that he had to crawl to get to the end. When he finally reached the end, he opened another door and went through.
Except, when he went through, he was just in the same room he came from. Only, it was different. It now had bright colors, nothing dull. The lights were on, too. And he noticed that the painting was now a painting of "King" Matt. He could smell something from the kitchen, but no one else lives in his apartment. He didn't know where he was.
He put the key in his back pocket (he wasn't wearing his hoodie, only his "stay safe asdf" shirt and some pants) then walked out of the room and saw that there were a bunch of pictures of the old house and gang hanging on the walls; even some of their old stuff. Heck, even the walls now had everyone's patterns. When he walked into the kitchen, the smell he was smelling earlier had gotten to its strongest. He looked around and saw the kitchen was also different; there was a tablecloth on the table, a lock on a fridge with magnet letters that read "BUY MORE COLA", and, most different of all...
"Edd..?" Tom's voice sounded a little small, but that was because whoever was making food looked exactly like Edd from behind.
"Oh, hey, Tom!" the person who looked like Edd turned around. "Good to see you again!"
But it wasn't exactly like Edd. Well, it was Edd alright; brown hair, a green hoodie, smile, but his eyes... they were shiny black buttons. At least Tom no longer was the only one with strange eyes.
"But you're..." Tom looked at this Edd, who just smiled. "...different." He decided not to finish the first sentence.
"Yes, right, well, I'm not your Edd, I'm the... Other Edd," Other Edd said.
"'Other' Edd?"
"Yeah, this is the Other world, not yours. We have others of everything here: people, places, events--"
"Cats?" Tom looked down at Ringo.
"Huh? Oh, no. Animals aren't allowed. And if they come in, it's best for them to keep their mouths shut." Other Edd fixed his gaze on Ringo, who was now crouching behind Tom with narrowed cat eyes. "Don't you think?" Other Edd looked back up at Tom. "There's Cola in the fridge and food's almost ready, could you get Other Matt for me?"
"Other Matt...uh, sure," Tom didn't know what else to do, so he decided to listen. Besides...it's been a couple years since he even saw anything of an Edd. Tom walked out of the kitchen and followed signs on the wall that read "This way to MATT's room!" and "You're almost there!!" and things like that. When the signs stopped, Tom opened the door that he arrived at.
The walls were covered in mirrors and framed pictures of a certain ginger, and the same person in the photos was sitting at a vanity mirror.
"Tom! Welcome back, buddy!" He said.
"'Welcome back'?"
"Well, not back, more of just 'welcome'. We've been waiting for a long time, you know. I even had to get a job!"
Matt? A job? Really? "You did?"
"I'm a gardener."
"Huh, I wouldn't think you'd want to work outside, considering the dirt could 'mess up your face'."
"Yes, well, I found out that I can use the plants to my advantage, I should show you when they're ready in the yard!" Other Matt finally turned around, and his eyes were buttons, too. "Oh! I almost forgot," Matt reached behind the mirror and pulled out a long box and handed it to Tom. Tom took it and opened it up. Inside was a checkered bass.
"Susan!" Tom grabbed the bass. "She's...not broken anymore?"
"Other Edd and I decided it was about time to finally fix it, I wanted to be the one to give it to you, though."
"Wow, I'm surprised, Matt. You seem to be taking more responsibility, and it's been a few minutes and you still haven't mentioned anything about your face or how 'great' you are."
"Well, I just thought you could stand me more if I wasn't so vain and narcissistic," Other Matt smiled. "Did you want anything, by the way?"
"Oh, um, Ed-- err, He asked me to call you in," Tom shifted uncomfortably, since there was something about the button eyes that unsettled him. But who was he to judge?
"Right! I'll meet you in there," Other Matt turned back to the mirror and began messing with the buttons. Tom took Susan and walked into the hallway. Ringo walked around Tom's legs, her tail hitting him. She looked a little nervous about something.
"What? This house seems fine," Tom told her. She rolled her eyes and started walking. "Okay then." They walked to the kitchen, which right before Tom could step inside Ringo jumped into his arms.
"Is he coming?" Other Edd's voice asked from inside.
"Um, he said he'd meet us."
"Right. Well, guess we have to wait for him," Other Edd pulled out three chairs, let Tom sit in one, then pushed Tom's chair in. He sat down and looked at Ringo. "Shouldn't you...get rid of that while at the table?"
Tom looked at her. "Isn't she your friend? And you're acting like a mom."
Other Edd's button eyes narrowed. "Yes...I guess she is." Then laughed. "Why would I be acting like a mother?"
Tom wanted to say something, but couldn't think of what.
"Anyway, I made all of us food. After we eat, could you bring some bacon to our friend upstairs? And if he doesn't answer the door, just bring it downstairs and leave it with those two. They'll bring it." Other Edd passed a plate over to Tom.
"Uh...okay." Tom stared at his reflection in Other Edd's buttons. "Hey, if there are Others of my roommates, is there another me..?"
"No, only you." Other Edd put some food onto his plate and Tom's plate. "That's why we've been waiting for you, we needed you to come and be our final friend."
"I guess that makes sense," Tom said. "I kind of needed to come anyway, I've been missing my real fri-- roommates recently."
"Then it was the perfect time to come!" Other Edd smiled.
"Yeah, I guess." Tom looked down at his plate that had eggs and bacon on it. The actually looked amazing for a simple food, as if it was a cartoon or made of clay.
"Oh, thank you, Edd!" Other Matt walked in. "This looks nice!" He sat down and took the food.
"Hello, Matt, I see you've given Tom his bass. How is it?" Other Edd looked at Tom.
"I guess she's doing fine, it's nice to finally see her fixed." Tom felt Ringo start to move a little.
Other Edd noticed Tom wasn't eating. "Aren't you hungry?" he asked, drinking something from a "don't mug me" mug.
"Huh?" Tom looked down. "Oh, yeah." Ringo started moving a little more, but Tom put a hand on her to get her to stop; he could kind of hear her hiss a little. He picked up a fork and started eating. It didn't just look amazing, it tasted too. He was trying to figure out how, but also didn't care.
"It's so nice to have you here, Tom. We've missed you," Other Edd watched Tom eat.
"But I've never met you?" Tom looked at them. Ringo shifted again.
"Yes, but we've always known of you. I've said we've been waiting for you to be our final roommate, and here you are. We've been here for so long without you..." Other Edd's face started to seem somber while he started lowering his head. He then after a few seconds lifted it up slightly, then looked up at Tom. "Have you finished your food?"
"Oh-- um.." Tom looked down at his plate. He hadn't entirely finished, but he was feeling alright. "Yeah."
"Well then, you should be able to take this now." Other Edd held out a box that smelled of bacon.
"Right. Thanks for the food." Tom stood up and took the box.
"Come back when you're finished," Other Edd called out.
"See you, Tom!" Other Matt waved.
Tom walked towards the door, stopped, then looked back behind him. The Other Matt and Other Edd were still smiling at him. He turned back around and walked out the door, closing it behind Ringo.

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