The Show (1)

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What was weird was, it was night when Tom left; now it's day. There was a slight fog outside, but it wasn't too thick; he could still see. Tom looked down at Ringo, who was looking around suspiciously. "What are you so worried about?" Tom asked her. She stared at him. Tom took a few steps forward and looked up. There was a staircase leading to the top floor, which was decorated with robot parts, puppets, and red flags. There were a few lights coming out, but not very bright. Tom walked up the stairs and knocked on the door. But as soon as he touched the door, a sign fell from the top of it and started hanging in front of his face.

"Beklager, the show isn't ready yet!
Come back tomorrow!
~Ring Leader"

Guess he should bring it downstairs.
Tom walked down to the lower floor which also had lights, these were just brighter and more colorful. He knocked on the door, which immediately swung open. Despite the lights, it was pitch dark inside. Tom looked down and followed the pathway. "Hello?" he called out and received no response. "I...have something for upstairs?"
A spotlight turned on Tom. He squinted, and Ringo ran behind his legs. "Hei, Thomas!" two voices called from above him. "We've been waiting to meet you!"
Tom could slightly make out two figures coming down in front of him, but it was easier to see when the spotlights turned to them.
They had a slight resemblance to his neighbors downstairs, but they certainly looked different. "Um, hi," was all Tom could say. The two of them just hung down in front of him, as if attached to strings, and stared at him while smiling. They both had white and red suits and brown hair, while the one on the left had bigger eyebrows than the one on the right (which was most noticeable about this one), and the one on the right had bangs that curved in a strange way (which was most noticeable about that one). And both of them had big, black button eyes.
"You haven't met us in your world yet," The one with the eyebrows said. They moved up and back a little, then bowed.
"We are Other Paul," the one on the left started.
"And Other Patryk," the one on the right continued.
"And you have been invited to watch our performance!" they both finished.
Other Paul and Other Patryk got pulled into the darkness, completely disappearing when the spotlight shined forward to an enormous curtain. It was easier to see the rest of the room now; it was filled with theater seats surrounding the front of a stage the curtain was covering. Each seat had someone in them, all looking at Tom, and each person in the seat were dressed exactly the same-- the same as Other Paul and Other Patryk. All seats were filled exactly the same, except one. This seat was empty, and it was in the front row.
"Well, let's go," Tom looked down at Ringo who was still behind his legs. "You know, you're acting weird." he picked up the cat and approached the chair in the front row. When he sat down he let Ringo rest on his lap and began to pet her, which seemed to calm her slightly. The moment the two of them settled, the crowd faced forward.
Then, the curtain opened.
The stage was a literal battlefield. It was decorated with cannons, guns, and cut-out explosions. From the ceiling, Other Paul and Other Patryk came down on strings attached to each limb. They both, at once, stepped forward to each other. They held out one arm, then each picked up a large knife. They raised it above their heads, and cut the strings.
"Our apologies, Ring Leader," Other Paul started.
"We'll do this one on our own," Other Patryk finished.
The strings fell beside them, and in a slight shimmer, they disappeared.

A quick half-hour later, curtains closed.
All at once, the others standing around Tom stood and applauded. Tom decided to do the same, causing Ringo to jump off. The curtains opened once again, revealing Other Paul and Other Patryk to be okay. They bowed, and stretched their arms out in Tom's direction. Everyone applauding turned towards Tom, who just waved. Ringo looked up at him, and began walking away.
"Where are you going now?" Tom watched her. Ringo said nothing. "I'm sorry, I should probably go."
"That's alright," Other Paul started.
"We're glad you enjoyed it," Other Patryk finished.
Tom moved forward, following Ringo. This whole adventure has just been him following a cat, hasn't it?
When he stepped out of the door, it immediately closed behind him. He couldn't hear anything from inside. It was completely quiet. The moon was out now, which made Tom realize how tired he really was. He did just wake up in the middle of the night and go to another world, so he must've not gotten enough sleep.
He followed Ringo, who seemed to be walking as lightly and quietly as possible, back upstairs. She sat by the door, waiting for Tom. Tom looked at the cat, then pushed the door open. "Hello?"
"Hey, Tom! Did you like the show?" Other Edd looked towards the door.
"Yeah, I..." he watched Other Edd blink a couple times. He then yawned. "Got anything to drink..?"
"Plenty! But are you sure you'd want something now? You seem tired."
"It's pretty late... do I have a room here?"
Other Edd laughed. "Of course you do-- everything's here."
"Everything." Other Edd pointed down the hall, and Tom immediately ran to the end door.
He pushed the door opened, and the room was filled with several checkered items, blue hoodies, a fridge, pictures, posters, and a harpoon gun. Susan was lying on his bed. "Woah..." Tom went to the fridge and opened it, finding several kinds of drinks inside. He took a couple out and sat on his bed, opening them.
"We're so glad you're here, Tom," Other Edd said.
"Yeah, so you've told me."
"I hope that you can be...happy here, with us, in this world."
"Maybe, it's looking pretty nice here so far."
"Yes. So far," Other Edd paused. "There are more things to see, so promise me you'll come back, Tom?"
"Oh, uh, I pr.." Tom blinked a couple times, and his vision started spinning. "I need to just-- lay down for a second."
Other Edd nodded. "Good night, Tom."
And with that, Tom passed out.

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