Part 4

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"So what are your names?" Glitchy asked. Ink stood up as our supposed "leader". "My name is Ink, and that's Blue, and that's Dream, and that's-"
"Okay stop talking." She interrupted. "Listen hun, I know that you all have your own little... quirks. But here, you just need to have one name. Mk?". Ink frowned. "Is that why you call everyone hun?". "Nope, I also call people sweetie, bae, honey,-" she stopped.
A black gooey like skeleton appeared in front of us. "Hey! I'm Paperjam! But everyone calls me PJ." He told us. She rolled her pupils in her eye sockets. "Hey bro. These are the new recruits." She said in a bored tone, as if she suddenly turned into a teenager.
PJ smiled brightly. "You all seem..." he glanced at Killer, Horror, and Reaper. "... nice. Anyways! I'm here to assess you and assign you a job!"
Horror asked "Hold up! I thought you guys were, ya know, giving this stuff to us for free." Pj laughed. "Of course not! And Glitchy? Gaster wants to see you." He finished with and almost apologetic look. She nods. "Alright. Imma leave you guys in good hands... have fun with that or whatever." She said solemnly and turn to leave.
"GASTER?! As in the monster traitor?!" Geno exclaimed. Ink frowned. It wasn't like Geno to get worked up. "Did I miss something or what? Who's Gaster?"

Never give upOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora