chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Aizawa look at the two students in front of him, Midoriya who's the top scorer during the entrance exam, she even ace enough points to be in the top five of the school history, she said she was trained by HPSC and their training are not a scout camp so she will be more than good. From what he can see so far she have a aggressive nature but he can work with that, she will not be the first student with a short temper he will work with. Tenya Iida, place in the top 10 during the entrance exam, from a well renown hero familly, his brother Tensei was his classmate during his time at Yuei, he know both of thems have potential to be excelent heros in the futur but right now he need to put thems in their place before the schoolyear begin.

-Do you know why I ask you both to stay?

-Probably because I try to kill the little cunt who insult my girlfriend.

-To be honest sir I don't know. And Midoriya you cannot use that kind of language in front of a teacher, it is not a tolerate language to use as a student of Yuei, I command you to apologies in the second to

-ENOUGH! Iida, You are not in charge, you are just a student here, you need to calm down a little bit, look I know you try to impress every teacher here because of your familly situation, your brother was the same the first year and I almost punch him in the face a few time because he was too stiff, just...just relax a little bit, I know you try to be the best and you are well educated boy but just relax. I called you two here because of the complaint you did agains Midoriya during the entrance exam. I alerady read it but I want to know both your side of the story.

-Yes sir, during ou break between the written and the practical exam I was outside stretching my legs when I spot that girl smoking a cigarette on a bench, this is clearly a innapropriate thing to do as someone who try to enter this prestigious school, I went to repriment her and she just blow her smoke in my face before insulting me.

-Yeah look, to be honest I don't really care if she smoke cigarette, it's not illegal as long she not smoke where it's not allowed. But Midoriya if you want my opinion I suggest you to stop, but it's your body not mine so you do what you want, but if I saw it slow you down i'll expell you without a warning. If you need help to stop I suggest you visit Recovery Girl, she can help you with your addiction.

-Thanks teach!

-Now I want to know why you accuse her to try to kill you during the exam, we review the video and we didn't see a situation when your life was at risk.

-During the examen I was attaquing a robot when she suddenly came to me insulting me once again, telling me she almost shoot a bullet at me because I was ''stealing her kill'' when I repriment her for the illegal usage of her firearm she shot a bullet next to my head, she almost kill me.

-Iida, do you know what's her quirk is?

-No sir!

-Midoriya, care to explain.

-Sure, my quirk have a dual function, at first I can create from my body lipids any kind of firearms and ammunitions like you see earlier when I create a RPG. So the reason I was using guns during the exam it's because it's what's my quirk do, and I was alerady cleared by the school to use that part of my quirk. The second part let me control the direction of any bullets I shoot from a firearm I create, if you lend me a gun I didn't create I can't control the bullet but i'm a fucking good marksman, I practice using guns since i'm 4. So no your life was not in danger, you angry me because I got to redirect a few bullets alerady fired at a robot when you put yourself between me and the robot to destroy it, and when I shot next to your head it's because the robot was about to crush your skull, you have another question 4 eyes?

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