Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Once school resume Aizawa announce his students the sport festival is coming in a few days and it's one their 3 chances to get spotted by a pro hero for a internship. They have the remaining time free to train and they have all acces to school facilities. Momo and Kyoka decided they need more hand-to-hand practice, Izumi suggest thems to ask Ojiro if he can spar with thems to help thems. During that time Izumi decided to continue her weapon quick draw training, One afternoon she was at the school shooting range practicing emptying and fast reloading her weapons when the door open behind her and someone goes to the stall next to her and begin to shoot on the target, She look just because she was curious who was also using a firearm in the students when she recgonised the classic red cape and cowboy hat. She was faberglasted, her favorite hero was standing next to her, she need to refrain herself to goe talk to him because she fear she will act like a brainless fangirl in front of her idol.

When snipe enter the shooting range that day he was surprised to see someone alerady using the facility, when he spot the long green hair his heart skip a beat, she was in front of him, his daughter he know the existance for only a few weeks and he don't know how to react. He goes to the stand next to her and try to concentrate while training but all he can think is his own daughter is a not even 2 meters from him and he don't know how to talk to her. After he empty his barrel he put his gun in his holdster and take a look at Izumi's stand to witness with his own two eye her quirk. He was somehow happy seeing her using that part of her quirk he gave her and she is good. When she finish emptying her last clip he called her to get her attention.

-Howdy pardner, i've see you working hard on your fast reloding technique, you're very good Midoriya girl, may i give you a little tip i devlop with the years.

Izumi was excited, Snipe, THE Snipe want to teach her a few trick, off course she will listen to him. He show her a wrist movement to execute whe she reload and she try it a few time before she execute it perfectly.

-Arigato Snipe's a honor to meet you today and you gave me a precious advice, but how you know my name, i'm not a 3th year student and i have no classes with you.

-Oh, eh. See girl, i kinda spot you during your entrance exam, when i saw how good you where with a firearm i kinda take a like in you and i wanna meet ya you know, we're not a lot of hero who still use firearm so i wanna make sure to give you a few tips if i gotta the chance.


-Thanks a lot sensei, i'm honored you want to help a simple fresman like me.

-Don't sweat it like that young lady, ya're a good student from what i've hear from Shota, ya know what, if i like what i'm seeing during the sport festival i'll probably send ya a request for the internship week.

-I will work harder than anyone sensei, i'll show you what i'm made of during the sport festival and i'll proove to you i'm worthy to be under your care for that week.

Off course i know you will Izumi, and no matter what i will send you a request, we have so much to talk it will be the best time for you to learn the truth, Inko agree with me on that one.

-I'm pretty sure you'll do amazing girl, now i gotta go but i'll keep my eyes on you.

Snipe leave the shooting range, Izumi was still in her little world, she not only meet her favorite hero of all time but he also gave her a few tips to work with her guns AND offer her a internship if she perform well during the sport festival. That little chat gave her a extra boost to kick some ass during the sport festival. She pick up her phone and with a smile on her face text her girlfriend.

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