Chapter 2

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Tsubaki stumbled her way into the hall where the Ginkgo Throne sat barely able to hold her scythe.
"Tsubaki!" Mitsuki ran over to her catching her fall.
Mitsuki took her in for just a moment, she was drenched in sweat and having trouble controlling her breath. Her eyes red and puffy, cheeks stained with tears and the white kimono she wore was soaked in blood.
"Is this your blood?" Mitsuki asked putting Tsubaki's arm over her neck as she helped steady her.
Tsubaki shook her head and lifted her still balled up fist.
"What am I looking at?" Mitsuki questioned.
Tsubaki uncurled her fingers revealing the tiger ring in her palm.
Mitsuki swallowed, her throat running dry. She felt the hot tears that fogged her vision roll down her cheeks as she lead Tsubaki towards the throne.
Tsubaki looked up to see their Uncle was slumped against the steps. Eyes closed and pale, he looked lifeless. Blood on his hands and all over his uniform, she was convinced he was dead. Grunting Tsubaki slipped off Mitsuki's shoulder, tumbling forwards falling onto her knees in front of him.
"Mitsuki what happened?!" Shaky hands hovered over his wound.
Mitsuki clicked her tongue, finding it difficult to speak midsts her tears and held back sobs. "He-" Mitsuki began her voice caught in her throat.
"He what?!" Tsubaki demanded a lot harsher than she intended. She felt herself begin to panic- first their father and now their uncle. Tsubaki reached out a shaky hand to check his pulse.
Her eyes widened, it was faint but there was a pulse. "Uncle?" She refused to lose hope. "Mitsuki you need to get him out of here," she instructed.
"No," their uncle groaned slowly shaking is head. He slowly opened his eyes to see the sovereign's ring Tsubaki had been holding on the floor next to them.
"We can get you to a doctor, you'll live," Tsubaki protested feeling waves of nausea throughout her stomach.
"He got shot because of me," Mitsuki finally cried out.
"My cubs!"
They all turned to see the Duchess clinging to one of the columns. Long black tresses falling over her face as she tried to catch her breath. Her long white haori hung disheveled off her shoulder.
Mitsuki ran to her. Tsubaki made an attempt to stand but stopped when she felt her uncles hand on her wrist.
"You need to leave— Adachi," he shut his eyes in pain as every breath he took became a laborious task.
Tsubaki squeezed his hand in hers. "I know Uncle, I know he betrayed us.
He nodded slowly and with what little strength he had left reached for the sovereign's ring slipping it on Tsubaki's index finger. A silent understanding passed through them however it was short lived as they heard Mitsuki panic.
"Mom! Tsubaki! Mom's-" she wailed.
Tsubaki stumbled over herself as she tried to stand and dash over towards her mom and Mitsuki.
Mitsuki sat on the floor with her mother wrapped in her arms. Tsubaki didn't need to check her pulse, she was dead. As the sisters looked upon the giant gash on their mothers back they were painfully aware they needed to run and leave everything behind. They didn't stand a chance as they were, the rebellion was out to kill them too.
"Leave," their uncle managed to shout through a painful groan.
Tsubaki put her hand on Mitsuki's shoulder, "Let's go- I'll get the tigers. Help Uncle up and let's go."
Tsubaki stumbled with her dizziness towards the tigers hall, her legs felt like lead and she found herself unable to blink away the haze in her vision. She leaned her weight against one of the columns, her breath faltering. Her mind convincing her she was about to join her parents.
Mitsuki wiped her face with the back of her hand and took in a breath. She couldn't stay on the floor crying forever, she needed to move. Gently kissing her mom on the top of her head she carefully set her back against a column. Mitsuki took her white haori off draping it over her arm and snapped the jade droplet necklace she wore. Whispered her teary goodbye and walked back to her uncle.
She looked down at him taking in the amount of blood he'd lost. He seemed more pale than before, his breathing was slow and faint. In the back of her mind she knew there was nothing to be done at this point. She knelt down at his side and burying her face into his chest she gave way to sobs.
Mitsuki felt his hand on her back. "It's okay little bird," he whispered.
She looked up at him. His eyes still closed but he smiled, small and sad but it was a smile none the less.
"I'm sorry Uncle," her voice brittle, "I should've listened."
"No more tears." He wheezed as he reached his cold hand to cup her cheek. "You have been a daughter to me, I am proud of everything you are."
Mitsuki put her hand over his, her eyes shut tight as tears continued to spill. "Please, please don't leave me," she sobbed.
"The tiger needs her claws, protect each other- be strong little bird," he whispered as Mitsuki felt his hand slip away from her face.

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