Chapter 3

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At the boarder of Galeana and Anhui, Lord Kenshin Hatori stood looking out towards Anhui. His hand gripping the hilt of one of his swords, he waited with uneasiness.
"Lord Hatori!" His lieutenant Finnick called after him. He came out through the thick of the forest.
"Finn, you have word?"
"Yes Lord," he took a moment to catch his breath. "You won't like this, reports just came in, the rebels made their move sooner than anticipated."
"What?! What of the Duke and Duchess?"
"Reports confirmed they're both dead."
Cursing Kenshin slammed his fist against the nearest tree. "What is the point of The Dragons Eyes if they cannot report accurately before this happens?!"
"My Lord Hatori no one expected the Grand Advisor to make his move this soon," Finnick offered.
Kenshin clicked his tongue, surprises irked him. "What of his heir?"
"It gets worse Lord, status is unclear. Seems they made an attempt on her life but it's unclear if it was successful."
Kenshin growled, "Unclear?! Useless Dragons Eyes! Useless spies!" He grit his teeth together. This was not suppose to happen.
"However Lord," Finnick interrupted before his lord went completely unhinged, "there was report of two people on four enormous tigers fleeing westward towards our direction. The Dukes red-headed daughter is confirmed to be one of the travelers the other traveler... although descriptions of white hair fit the heir, it could not be confirmed if she was even alive."
"Tch! Why did you not lead with that?!" Kenshin gave his orders, "Finn give the order for the men to pack up and return home. The rebels won and the Duke is dead there was nothing we could do. You and I will ride to intercept the Sakaiko survivors."
With his arm over his chest, right hand fisted over his heart Finn bowed and turned to leave.
Kenshin tugged at the thin silver chain around his neck, his objective the ring that hung upon it. A thick band supporting a tiger baring it's teeth carved in obsidian. A gift, one of a kind, from his father's old friend, one that had become his own dear friend.
"Rest easy old man," he whispered, "I will give her much more as we see to it she is restored to her proper place." His oath sealed with a kiss against the ring. Tucking it back under his coat he set off to intercept Tsubaki and Mitsuki.


As they rode further into the forest Mitsuki felt a drop of water on her cheek. She cursed turning her attention upward. Great! That's what they needed, rain. She turned to her right towards her sisters tiger, Manju, Tsubaki continued unconscious on his back.
Mitsuki sighed, "Please don't die."
Manju had been careful not to knock Tsubaki off his back but Mitsuki knew they needed to ride faster and for that Tsubaki needed to wake up.
They rode further into the forest headed for a stream she knew was up ahead. Coming to a stop Mitsuki jumped off Taishiro.
"I'll go get water, watch her will ya," she instructed Tsubaki's tigers as her own tigers followed after her.
Tsubaki's enormous white tigers stood alert and ready, Manju with her on his back and Momiji standing close by. Mitsuki trusted she would be fine under the tigers care, they were extremely territorial and being raised by Tsubaki they were both highly protective of her. Still Mitsuki knew she had to be quick, the rebels were no doubt searching for them and every minute without any kind of care for her poisoning Tsubaki was closer to death.
As she reached the stream she took a second to inhale. It was quiet and that was unsettling, the forest was never quiet. As she dipped her canteen in the stream she noticed her tigers heads perk up in unison. She narrowed her eyes and listened.
It suddenly began to rain heavily. Anything she could've heard was drowned out by the sound of the heavy rain fall. Both Taishiro and Tadame gave a low growl. Someone was out there and they were close. They turned their heads in the direction they'd walked from.
Mitsuki felt shivers as her eyes grew wide. "Tsubaki," she whispered. "Go! Go!" She commanded. Dropping her canteen she sprint in the direction she'd came unsheathing her katana.
As she approached the spot she'd left Tsubaki and her tigers she felt her heart sink. She was too late. Mitsuki saw the figure of a tall man carrying Tsubaki in his arms. Momiji and Manju stood by but did nothing. Mitsuki feared the worst, Tsubaki certainly looked dead.
Mitsuki's tigers were first to arrive growling at the man but they were held back by Momiji and Manju.
"Murderous bastard!" Mitsuki yelled charging in his direction. Her arm held high ready to strike him down.
Instead of watching him fall she stood in front of this strange man trembling as her katana had been knocked out of her shaking hands. Mitsuki grit her teeth, who ever this guy was he was strong.
His appearance was wild, long unruly black hair, fringes over the left side of his face barely concealing an eyepatch. Dressed all in black from the gloves on his hands to the hilt of the huge sword at his side, his amber eye a shining contrast against the darkness. He had the makings of a dangerous beast. And that dangerous beast held a limp bodied Tsubaki close against himself in one arm as he wield a huge curved blade sword in his other hand.
"Mitsuki I presume. I'm afraid there is no time for explanations just know I mean you no harm," he answered returning his blade to its sheath.
Mitsuki shook her head, "Unhand my sister!"
He had already set her atop his horse's saddle. "It will be faster if she rides with me," he answered.
Before she could protest another man appeared through the thicket, his horse coming to a stop a few feet away from them.
"My Lord Hatori I have to insist we get going, a group of soldiers has been spotted not far from here no doubt in search of the Sakaiko sisters." He reported.
"Lord Hatori?" Mitsuki questioned. "You're the Dragon's Head." She frowned and shook her head, what was he doing there? They were suppose find him not the other way around.
"Like I said no time for explanation," he said hands on the reins. "If you wish to live princess I suggest you come with us." He gave this horse a swift kick with his heels and disappeared behind the forest thicket with his comrade and Tsubaki's tigers close behind him.
Mitsuki groaned, "Treacherous tigers."
She was unsure if she could really trust them but he'd already taken Tsubaki with him and what she did understand was the undeniable fact that they had to keep on moving. She dashed to retrieve her katana and jumping on Tadame's back she rode after them.


Kenshin rode with Tsubaki pressed against his chest, her tigers running close behind them. He'd nearly had a heart attack from coming face to face with the massive creatures. He'd forgotten how humongous they were. Fortunately for him Momiji and Manju hadn't forgotten him despite the almost ten years since he'd last seen them. It took all of thirty seconds for them to recognize him.
He looked down at Tsubaki as she lulled her head against his chest and mumbled incoherently.
"I am sorry this is how we ended up meeting again." He whispered holding her tighter shielding her from the rain. He took in her blood soaked kimono. "I hope none of this is yours."
They rode well into the night until they reached the nearest city.
"We're a half day away from the capital," Kenshin informed Mitsuki. "We'll stay here for tonight, your sister needs to get out of this rain."
Mitsuki looked around at the variety of people running to get out of the rain, some stopping to look at her. She shivered. "Our tigers stand out," Mitsuki said. She sent all four of them back into the thick of the forest to wait until morning.
"Where will we stay?" She asked as they waited at the edge of the town for Finn to give them the all clear.
Kenshin smirked as he answered, "I have a friend who has already made the arrangements."
He knew once she saw where they were staying she would most likely protest. He wasn't wrong...
"You brought us to a pleasure district?!" Her hands balled up in fists.
"It's the safest place for now," Kenshin explained to the altered Mitsuki. "I also suggest you keep your voice down."
"My sister and I are not staying in some whore house!" Mitsuki growled.
Tsubaki who was being held in Kenshin's arms began to stir and mumble.
"What did she say?" Kenshin asked
"I don't know," she answered annoyed. Clapping her hands together she added, "Maybe it was keep me away from the courtesans!"
Kenshin drew his eyebrows together in a frown. "No shush."
"Put me down," Tsubaki mumbled.
Kenshin was quick to set her on her feet keeping a hold on her making sure she wouldn't fall over.
"Listen no doubt the rebels have sent scouts to track you guys this is the last place they'd lo-" Kenshin's explanation was cut off by Tsubaki giving in to the churning in her stomach. Clinging on Kenshin's arm that held her in place she threw up.
"Oh god-" Mitsuki turned to face the opposite direction.
Kenshin was quick to gather her hair with his free hand as she vomited. Tsubaki coughed and cried as she gasped for a breath. Wiping her mouth with her sleeve she looked up at Kenshin.
He looked back at her waiting for her next move. Her gray eyes cloudy like the sky above them. He was unsure if she recognized him or not. She leaned her forehead against his chest.
"Thank you," she whispered.
He felt her body give out as the weight of her body leaned against him.
Kenshin scooped her back into his arms as Mitsuki turned back around. She looked so pale and weak. "Will she die?"
Kenshin looked up to face Mitsuki. The frown he wore melted away. She had just lost everything and now the fear of losing her sister clearly washed over her.
"I promise you your sister will not die. This night will be difficult, the fever has to run its course but she will make it through," he explained. "Poison resistance is not for nothing."
Mitsuki sighed. Kenshin could see the events of the day had finally began to weigh on her. She looked exhausted.
Finn came back and reported the all clear, letting them know Akitake had arranged everything and was waiting for them.

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