Chapter 4

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Mitsuki walked through the brothel trying to keep her head down, always keeping her hand tight on the hilt of her katana. She felt a tightness in her chest, the more she heard the giggles and laughter of the people around them, the more her chest squeezed. Here they were indulging in pleasure while the might of the Sakaiko Clan had been chased out of their province and forced to take refuge in this sort of place.
Finally they were escorted to a private room on the second floor. Mitsuki lifted her head to find a man sitting regally at the center of the room. Long elegant fingers curled around a cup of sake, his kimono hanging loosely off his shoulders, black hair pushed back except for the strands that threatened to swing over his right eye, with the women catering to him draped over him like a silk robe.
He looked over at Mitsuki and without a word waved the women away. Mitsuki's eyes threatened to roll to the back of her head, she knew the type a sugar frosted flirt. The woman whined and pouted as they got up and walked away.
"Really Aki?" Kenshin questioned as soon as the door slid shut.
"This is who you left in charge of making arrangements," Mitsuki scowled pointing at Akitake.
He seemed indifferent to her comment and shrugged. "I've been here the entire day might as well have a little fun." He straightened his kimono and patted the tatami mat in front of him. "Set her down Kenshin."
Kenshin began to set her down as Akitake cleared the area of sake cups and bottles. He put the palm of his hand on her forehead.
"Any idea what kind of poison she's under?" He asked moving his hand to check her pulse.
Mitsuki shook her head," Uh she said the name- umm I think she said valerian."
Akitake gently tapped Tsubaki's cheek.
"Duchess, wake up," he coaxed.
Mitsuki clicked her tongue. "Oh okay because we didn't try that," she avowed sarcastically.
Akitake narrowed his eyes. "It has to be more than just valerian, valerian alone wouldn't do this to someone with poison resistance," Akitake pointed out. Tucking his thumb under his chin he curled his fingers over his mouth. He shook his head, "Something is missing."
Mitsuki began to pace back and forth like a a tiger in a cage.
"Lady Mitsuki ," Finn placed his hand on her shoulder, "Lord Kirigaya is incredibly knowledgeable in dealing with a variety of toxins"
"It doesn't seem that way," she mumbled.
Akitake heard and scowled in her direction. From the inside of his kimono he pulled out a small green glass bottle of smelling salts. Popping off the cap he passed the bottle under her nose.
Tsubaki's eyes shot open, she gasped for air as she immediately sat up. Her eyes darted around the room.
"Relax Duchess, you'll aggravate your nausea," Akitake stated.
Tsubaki groaned putting her hand over her eyes, "Where are we?"
"Galeana," Kenshin answered kneeling by her side.
"So Lord Kirigaya is not so useless," Mitsuki mumbled with disdain
Akitake glared in her direction, "Princess the only thing useless in this room has been your input."
Mitsuki stared daggers into him which he nonchalantly ignored.
"Galeana?" Tsubaki closed her eyes and groaned, "We have to find Lord Hatori."
"You already did sweetness. I'm right here," Kenshin replied tucking her hair behind her ear.
Tsubaki closed her eyes and leaned into Kenshin.
"Tsubaki don't sleep, tell us if you know anything about the poison you're under," Kenshin coaxed sweetly.
She shook her head against his chest. Her body felt hot and heavy, all she wanted was to sleep.
Kenshin pulled her closer to him. "C'mon kitten after all these years you can't die on me now."
Tsubaki groaned into his chest. "Don't call me that," her protest muffled into his chest.
Akitake frowned. "Princess go ask for a cold bath tell the ladies Lord Kirigaya requested it, we need to bring her fever down," he instructed.
Mitsuki scrunched up her face, she obviously wanted to help her sister but her pride refused to take orders from Lord Kirigaya.
Tsubaki attempted to push herself away from Kenshin.
"What is it?" He questioned looking down at her. Kenshin watched as she pulled a small alabaster bottle from her obi sash.
"Good girl," he whispered taking it from her hand and handing it over to Akitake.
Sakaiko! The cold bath now," Akitake snapped at her.
Mitsuki huffed, who did this guy think he was dealing with anyways?! Still she knew there was no time to waste. For Tsubaki she'd swallow her pride and do what had to be done, she turned on her heel and left to find the ladies attending to Akitake.
When she returned Kenshin already held a barely conscious Tsubaki in his arms.
"They're outside waiting to escort you towards the bath," Mitsuki informed him.
Kenshin turned to leave and follow the attendants.
"I'm going with you." Mitsuki was about to chase after him when she was stopped by Akitake's long fingers curling around her arm.
"I don't think so, Kenshin can handle the duchess. You need to stay with me."
"I'm going," Mitsuki bit back, "I need to be with my sister."
"No Kenshin can handle bringing down her fever you need to get those wounds treated," Akitake pressed against the gash by her ribs .
"I'm fine," Mitsuki attempted to hold back groaning in pain.
"Go and sit, you don't want that to get infected," he pointed to the spot where Tsubaki had been.
The gash had stopped bleeding but when he pressed against it Mitsuki felt her warm blood begin to ooze. She took a breath, with the rush of adrenaline finally wearing down she began to feel the damage her body had sustained. She felt exhausted and her body ached. He was right, she couldn't afford for her wound to get infected. Mitsuki hesitated but ended up laying in the same spot Tsubaki had been, having her wounds treated by Lord Kirigaya.
"I hate this," she mumbled
"Try to bare with it Princess," Akitake smiled down at her pressing her wound harder than necessary.
She winced, "You did that on purpose," she said between clenched teeth.
Akitake chuckled as he gently dressed her wound. His fingers had a welcoming warmth although she'd never admit to it; as he laid his palm over her bandage wound she allowed herself a breath closing her eyes and drifting off into much needed sleep.
Meanwhile Kenshin had carried Tsubaki to the bath house. Setting her down he took in her white kimono covered in blood. As he unstrapped the daggers she carried on her thigh and removed the ornaments in her hair, he let out a sigh relieved to find no wounds on her.
"Alright," he said sliding one arm under the back of her knees and the other behind her neck. "Let's get this fever down." He climbed down the stone steps toward the cold bath that had been prepared.
Tsubaki leaned her head against him. "Kenshin," she mumbled.
"I'm here," he replied pressing her closer to himself.
"You aren't Kenshin."
His eyebrows lifted, creating furrows on his forehead. "Then who am I?" He asked setting her down on the edge of the clay bathtub. He stayed at her eye level keeping both of his hands on both sides of her.
"My Kenshin didn't have this," Tsubaki said slowly raising her hand and gently brushing back the fringes of stray hair that fell over his eyepatch.
Kenshin closed his eye, his lips slightly parted as he felt her finger tips graze his skin.
"Then again, it's been so long and these are his lips," she let her fingers trace over his lips. "And you smell like him, like the pines in the forest."
"C'mon Kitten," Kenshin held her wrist in his hand and placed a small kiss to the back of her hand. "We have to get you into this bath."
Tsubaki nodded and let Kenshin help her swing her legs over the edge of the bathtub. As soon as she felt the shock of cold water she tried turning back and getting out only to slide further into the bath. She scrambled to stand, finally standing she looked at Kenshin.
"Get me out of here," she shivered.
He took a second to take in how her white kimono now soaking wet was see through.
"Stop gawking at me you pervert and help me out," Tsubaki wrapped her arms over her chest.
Kenshin laughed, "It's nothing I haven't seen before." He shrugged off his heavy black coat and set it aside.
She clicked her tongue as he extended his hand towards her. Tsubaki looked down at his hand, she didn't want to unwrap her arms from across her chest.
"C'mon Kitten, I thought you wanted to get out of there," he smirked grabbing hold of her arm and pulling her closer.
"Don't look at me," she let her gaze fall down to the water in the tub. Although she was shivering she could still feel warmth rush to her cheeks.
Kenshin chuckled, "Has time made you shy my dear?" He gave her arm a squeeze and effortlessly tossed her over his shoulder. "I recall a little Princess skinny dipping in the lake whenever she'd come for a visit."
"Kenshin!" She protested, "You're getting your shirt soaked!"
He put her down and draped his coat over her shoulders.
"Wait wait," she shrugged off his coat. She peeled off her wet kimono while Kenshin held his coat behind her. "Don't look," she warned knowing full well he was looking at her.
He smiled, "I have missed you. I'm sorry this is how we meet again."
She stuck her arms through his coat sleeves. "He died in my arms you know," she said absentmindedly, "and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it."
Kenshin gently pressed the back of his hand to her cheek and then her forehead. "I think the cold bath helped. I'm sure Aki has something ready for you, let's go."
She nodded slowly and wrapping her arms around his neck she allowed Kenshin to scoop her up in his arms once again.
When they arrived back they found Mitsuki sound asleep and Akitake sitting next to her braiding a few strands of her hair.
"Ah Duchess you're awake, I take it the cold bath helped," Akitake remarked.
Tsubaki nodded a slight blush spreading across her face as she tugged at one of the coat sleeves.
Aki smirked at Kenshin who in turn chose to ignore him. "I have some ginger root for you come, sit."
Tucking her legs under her bottom she sat next to a sleeping Mitsuki whilst Kenshin sat across her. Akitake handed her the cup of ginger root tea. "Drink this, small sips," he instructed.
She nodded as she took a sip. Setting the cup down, still a little nauseous, she sat up straight and took a deep breath. "My sister and I are in your debt my lords," Tsubaki said bowing.
"You owe us nothing," Kenshin answered, "and you're a duchess now, you bow to no one."
"Lord Kirigaya I am grateful for your care, however," she paused and put the rim of her tea cup to her lips. Lifting her eyes to meet his playful charcoal ones she added, " I do have to wonder what the infamous womanizer of the Khorgo province has to do in all this?"
He smiled, the kind of smile you would expect from someone who was handsome and well aware of it. "Womanizing? My reputation has apparently taken a steep decline." He chuckled, "As you know I am a childhood friend to our Lord Hatori, he needed someone he could trust. And being completely honest as soon as I heard it had to do with the Sakaiko Clan, well I was all in. Your Father was a model sovereign, he gave me his full support despite opposition; without him I perhaps would not be a sovereign myself."
She nodded sipping back the rest of her tea hoping that would make the knot lodged in her throat easier to swallow. She remembered the praises her father had sang about the young new lord of Khorgo, a prodigy of war. Clearing her throat she leaned in closer to them. "I'm going back, Mitsuki and I need to go back to Anhui."
Kenshin slit his eye at her. "Do you have a death wish?"
"Kenshin, my people need me, the soldiers need Mitsuki. We can't stay here, Adachi needs to pay for what he's done," Tsubaki balled her fists in her lap. "He needs to tell me why and I have to find the man in the tiger mask."
Akitake glanced over at Kenshin who furrowed his brow against his eyepatch. "You know about Adachi?" His lips pressed tightly together.
"I suspect he poisoned me and I know setting fire to my home was his doing." Setting down her now empty tea cup she demanded answers. "Tell me what your Dragons Eyes know."
"Clever girl," Kenshin smirked.
"I am not playing games here Kenshin. I know if you are here your Dragons Eyes are involved now save us all some time and tell me what you know," she demanded.
"Do try to remain calm. Your poison resistance will only get you so far it is still in your system." Akitake inputed earning him a scowl.
Tsubaki knew he was right, taking a deep breath she opened her mouth to respond only to have Finn slide the door open.
"My Lords, Duchess," he said out of breath with a short bow.
"What happened?" Kenshin asked standing up.
"Anhui soldiers have been spotted headed this way, with them Grand Adviser Adachi."
Tsubaki stumbled to her feet stirring Mitsuki awake.
"What happened?" Mitsuki asked sitting up. She felt the braids in her hair. Bringing her hand up to feel the braids Akitake had made she looked over at him quizzically.
He shrugged. "Rebel soldiers from your province are headed our way," Akitake filled her in.
"Give me my daggers Kenshin," Tsubaki demanded.
"Oh no sweetness, WE are leaving," Kenshin responded.
"Kenshin I need answers, Adachi must know the man that killed my father I will not tuck tail and run."
Kenshin looked into her storm cloud eyes, she always had a certain undeniable air of sovereignty. Always sure of herself, always self-composed, nobility unquestioned. Perhaps it was her striking white hair or her eyes clear like rain. Then again Kenshin was her equal in all things and had he been somebody else perhaps he would've gave in to her demands.
"You do not have all the details, you are not yet over being poisoned, you're wrapped in nothing but my coat for goddess sakes, and I will not allow you to get taken by that traitor," Kenshin explained.
"That's why I asked for the details and I'm fine—"
Kenshin shoved her and made her lose her balance. Before she could hit the floor he pulled on his coat that she wore bringing her back straight and upright.
Tsubaki narrowed her eyes at him, they both knew had she been truly fine she'd avoided such a simple attack.
"You're not going Tsubaki. WE are going to Cortazar."
Mitsuki looked back at both of them. "Adachi betrayed us? Adachi did this?"
"He believes you to be dead, use that to your advantage," Kenshin proposed.
"Are we going after him Tsubaki?" Mitsuki stood up with a grunt feeling a pang from her bandaged up gash.
Kenshin stepped in closing the space between them. "Don't act rashly, trust me," he advised brushing his fingers over his eyepatch. "Come with me to Cortazar and you have the entirety of the Dragon behind you."
Tsubaki clicked her tongue and looked away. He was right, they were in no state to face Adachi and their presumed death could be to their advantage; not to mention having the strength of the Dragon's Head behind her would be an invaluable resource.
"Fine," she consented. She turned to face Mitsuki, "No, we're going to the capital, we're going to Cortazar."

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