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Hyunjin’s POV.

The cold breeze was blowing a little bit, but the sun was shining very bright.

He was strolling around the rim of the school, but something caught his attention.

It was a figure, oddly like himself, grabbing a girl’s neck and squeezing it tight. 

...It was Y/n.

“Is that.. you, Hyunjin?”

An old but familiar voice came from beside him. He spun quickly, facing the right side, and it was hard to mistake that it was Felix. Lee Yongbok. His eyes, his nose, his lips, his freckles… The special warmth coming from him. ..It was Felix.


But he didn’t look at Hyunjin, he was only staring at the figure who was choking Y/n. His eyes downturned.
“Hyunjin…” he finally looked at him, but he backed away.

“Wait-- n-no, Felix, that’s not me!”

“And.. is- is that her?” Felix’s eyes were so devastated that it couldn’t be put into words. “What happened to you?” He whispered.

“N-no, I…” Hyunjin could only trail off. 

Felix took out a mirror, and shined it on Hyunjin. “Look at yourself, Hyunjin.”

The reflection of himself shined clearly in the mirror. He clearly saw all the scars and wounds on his face, his lip ring… The small gang tattoo on top of his eyebrow slit.

He gulped. “L-lix, I promise, I’m- I’m still the same as befo--”
He cut himself off when Felix backed away again when he tried to touch his shoulder.

“Don’t lie to yourself, Hyunjin.”

Felix turned around, and started walking away from him, into the dark void.

“Lix! I’m sorry, come back!” Hyunjin shouted, and followed him. “Please come back, I’m so sorry…” Hyunjin then ran into the darkness, following Felix, but he found himself running forever. 

There was no end to this dark, cold void.

Hyunjin’s eyes shot open, wide, to the sound of the alarm. His breathing was heavy, and he was feeling tired as if he was actually running. He shut the alarm off with a tap on his phone.

He found himself sitting at his desk. The last place he remembered he was in was.. Hongjoong’s house. He must’ve fallen asleep when he was high yesterday, so he dropped him off. But why did he make him sit on a chair instead of dropping him on his bed? 

Then the dream struck him; the look on Felix’s face, the warmth coming from him, and that warmth disappearing when he went into the dark void… 
And the figure that he saw was obviously himself. Right? 

It was so weird seeing him in his dream. He had a mixture of feelings: happiness, confusion, sorrow, anger, grief, and then.. nothingness.

He shook his head violently and blinked multiple times. He checked the time and it was about 30 minutes before school started. He went into the bathroom to wash his face with cold water.

After his was done washing his face, he felt more alive. But his reflection from the mirror caught his eyes. He stopped and started blankly for a moment, and scanned himself.

..Who are you?

As his eyes and the eyes in the mirror's reflection met, he just felt..

He shook his head, and took a deep breath. Snap out of it. You know you’re trash. And.. always will be. 

He walked out of the bathroom and got ready for school.

[Bittersweet] // bully hyunjinXreader AUWhere stories live. Discover now