Warning I guess

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Okay.. So this book has like 1k reads at the time I post this..And I wanted to leave a warning.. This book is kinda cringy.. And Its one of my first books. Also some people have pointed out the first one shot with Jack kinda seems like rape. I dont give enough fucks and dont have the energy or time to change it. I just chucked it in the fuck it bucket and moved on from this book. I finished it and will NOT go back and change it because I wanna look back at these books one day and see how much I have grown.

And here is a warning about the first Chase Brody one shot.. I had a sleep over with a friend and that was the result of what me and my friend wrote down..  I also went back and re-wrote the one shot how I wanted it to be on a new page. 

So enjoy?

- Multi_Fandom_UwU

{COMPLETED} Jacksepticeye and ego smut one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now