Chapter 2

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Garbage story but I enjoy writing it-


"I heard from Tommy you were being difficult when I sent him out to get you."

George rolled his eyes.

"Yeah? Well that really isn't Tommy's business to tell you, is it?"



"George!" Wilbur slammed his hands on the wooden table. This caused the once chattering mess hall to silence, all eyes and attention brought to the men in the back table. George flushed, embarrassed. The table to him was suddenly interesting.

"I need you to stop being a smartass with me," Wilbur seethed. Much to the displeasure of George, Wilbur was being loud, very loud. It kept the unwanted attention on the pair and all George wanted was to have the floor swallow him whole right then and there.

"Wilbur- Wilbur- Stop-" George tried to calm the man down. Whether it was too keep away the attention or for his own sake, who knows, " Be a little quieter, people are staring."

Wilbur shot him an unamused glare.

"As if I care if people are staring-"


"Fine," and with a huff, Wilbur sat down. Pushing the one of the bowls in front of him, he placed one in front of George.


"I'm not hungry."


"Fine." Without breaking eye contact with Wilbur, George shoved a spoonful of food into his mouth, and chewed obnoxiously slow. Wilbur raised an unimpressed eyebrow.

He pinched the bridge of his nose.

"George," he started, " I'm not doing this to get on your nerves. I get it. You're angry that you can't go out into the maze. But how the fuck do you expect to be allowed in there if you aren't trying to get better?"

"This," he pointed at the bowl, "is suppose to help you with your recovery. So please, don't be difficult during your last week of healing."

George stirred his food with guilt. He really wasn't hungry, "Look Wilbur."

He looked everywhere, everywhere instead of holding Wilbur's gaze, "I'm not trying to be difficult, really. And I'm sorry. But I just want to get out there."

"I-I can't—" He let out a shaky breath, "it really sucks no being able to go out into the maze and run. I'm a runner, Wilbur, that's what I do, I run."

"Being stuck in the Glade all the time, not being able to help is a real pain in the ass," George chuckled sadly, "I guess in the process, I lost my appetite. I just want to go back."

It was quiet after that, both boys trying to comprehend what the others wants and needs were. They and everyone else's was stuck here together, whether the liked it or not, there was no time to have chaos erupted between them.

Wilbur stared down at his own bowl of food while George forced himself to take bites of his. Stubborn or not, Wilbur was right. If George wanted to get back into that maze, he had to try. And that started with getting used to eating his food again.

Running a hand through his tangled locks, Wilbur sighed, "It's just this week George. After this week it'll be back to normal. I just need you to cooperate with me."

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