Chapter 3

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Yeetus Deletus and next is the Fetus

I've been gone for a while. I've been too busy simping and drawing fanart I apologize. But uh, hi new readers!

The sudden pain from his neck was sole reason he woke up early that morning.

Oh, and he was also freezing.

The sun had shown no signs of showing its golden rays of comfort, allowing no warmth to enter the Glade. It was way too early, George was more than certain nobody was awake. Pulling his knees closer to his chest, George shivered.

It was cold this morning, very cold, something that really wasn't uncommon. Still, George sucked in a breath through gritted teeth and cursed under his breath. His head throbbed and his neck soared with dull pain from that night's sleep. His eyelids felt heavy and he blinked in and out of sleep. George was forgetting something.. but what was it..?

The stranger.




You could say you never seen someone spin as fast a George did, and so abruptly as well. It was surprising he didn't get whiplash. A loud crack and satisfying pop sound came from his lower back and the tension George felt was suddenly gone. But he could rejoice about stress release later and instead focused on the possibility of a dead body on the other side of the maze door.

Opening his mouth, George readied himself to scream, no care for the fact he could potentially wake up his fellow Gladers—


And then George was forced into a coughing fit.

His throat burned from yesterday's overexertion and the fact he didn't bother to drink water after didn't help his case either. The pain he had was like when you accidentally swallow something the wrong way and the dull ache that came every time you swallow is the only thing you can think of.

Talking from experience, of course.

So George slumped back to his place on the floor, a sudden sense of defeat and dread flowing through him.

Useless, he thought. Unable to scream? Pretty pathetic if you asked him.

Swallowing thickly, he had debated on going back to sleep and attempted it. Laying down and into a fetal position, George closed his eyes. Maybe it was the loud howling of the morning wind that made him toss and turn around in defeat. Or maybe it was the mere fact the boy on the other side of the maze door could well as be good as dead, George really didn't know.

So he laid there, occasionally ripping away at blades of grass, eyebrows furrowed. All the questions that should have been plundering his mind finally cam rushing in and George felt a bit overwhelmed.

Who was he?

Why is he in the maze?

Did the box suddenly not work anymore?

Why do his screams sound so familiar..?

He debunked the third, of course the box worked, Philza had asked for supplies and they were brought up just yesterday. So then why was he in the maze? Why?

And what if he was dead? He never asked for the boys name. To George, he would forever be named "Idiot". That was the name George called him that night and the boy would die with that name.
A sudden sense of fear shot up Georg's spine and he sat up slowly, placing a hand on the maze's doors.

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