Chapter Twenty-Three: Attaining Power

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Eldwyn and Princess Ilya stared at me for a long time, as if I had just offered them the most outrageous idea ever—which might not have been too far from the truth. I used rationality to unite the relic tribes, but the Gray Woman stressed that I had to think beyond the parameters of my mind. Prince Lucas' death was my greatest regret and if I could make things right, I believed that all the pieces would fall into place.

"Prince Darren," Princess Ilya said formally. "I understand your desire for Prince Lucas to return, but such an act isn't possible. He was sent out to sea many months ago. His body could be anywhere by now, and dealing with dark magic could have serious consequences. I've read too many tales to take such an act lightly."

"I've thought about that," I said, "but I feel compelled to reach for the stars. Prince Lucas is just as much part of this journey as any of us. We all represent aspects of our Askeran, and I have no doubt that Prince Lucas is the missing piece. We've done the impossible before and we can do it again."

Princess Ilya still didn't look convinced. She turned to the Gray Woman. "Gray Woman, what are your thoughts on this?"

"It is up to Prince Darren," she said with a smile. "I can't determine what the result will be. I can only urge you to follow your heart. It has been said that the fallen mountainmen who sailed into the sea would sometimes reach the Dragon Isles where strange things occur. From what I can tell you, there's always some truth in legends."

"And Eldwyn?" she turned to him. "What is your opinion on the matter."

Eldwyn looked concerned, but the hopefulness in his eyes remained the same. "I would follow Darren into the depths of the underground. If he thinks this is what's best for us, then I support him."

Princess Ilya looked as if she had a headache. "How do you plan on doing this?"

"We met a man on the cliffs of Renmar," I said. "Master Cabel. He's an energist and I held the impression that he delved into the mystic arts. He might have the answers we seek." I turned to Eldwyn. "Eldwyn, can you port us there?"

"Yes, knight. I can do that."

"Then let's get to it." Princess Ilya stood up, but not confidently. "If we're doing this, I want to make sure we're as careful as possible."

"Thank you," I said, and we all stood up. "All we need is faith."

The Gray Woman told us that today would be her last day. From this point forward, she would no longer be able to give us sage advice and guide us along the way. She would vanish from existence like the spoken word, her for but a moment before it's gone away. We all hugged her and thanked her, Eldwyn especially who had learned more about himself when he was brought back from the brink of death himself. He had learned to embrace the shadowy parts of his person, which in turn made him stronger. For that, he'd always be grateful.

We walked out in front of the house and held hands. Now that we were out of the Winding Forest, Eldwyn felt confident enough to port us. Eldwyn and I pictured Master Cabel's house, how he had come to our aid after we had been attacked by marauders, and a portal opened up next to us. I looked at the Gray Woman one last time and she gave me a slow nod. I too had a better grasp of this world, in that life is far stranger than it appeared. Fiction melded with reality beyond my wildest imagination. She herself had read a book as a child about an old woman that eventually became true. When you learn of things like this, you're left with two choices: either open your mind to new ideas, or hold on tightly to your old world. As a knight of valor destined to save my realm, I didn't have any option but to believe.

"Let's go," I said, and we walked into the portal together, entering the southern realm on the border of Sentria and Loria. I looked down the road at Mast Cabel's tower, puffing smoke out of its chimney and the memories came flooding back. Eldwyn put his hand on my shoulder and Princess Ilya smiled at me, as if to say we were all in this together, and we walked to the tower.

I knocked upon the door and in moments Master Cabel opened the door. He didn't look surprised at all. He was still in his brown coat and I could hear the bubbling sounds of his experiments inside.

"Master Cabel," I said. "It's nice to meet you again. This is Princess Ilya of Cordath." I gestured toward her and she curtseyed."

"Welcome!" said Master Cabel. "Would you like some potatoes?"

We all looked at each other, then turned back to the strange man. "No...thank you. We have a request. May we come in?"

"Yes! Yes!" He motioned us in and we entered his domain of bubbling concoctions and metal projects. There was a stew boiling in the cauldron that bubbled and it smelled of onions and peppers. Strong but not displeasing.

"Time is of the essence, so I'll get to it," I said. "Prince Lucas—"

"Ah, he's died and you wish to bring him back," he said as if it was obvious.

"How did you know?"

"It's written all over your face." He pointed to my face like the words were in fine print.

"Then, can you?" asked Eldwyn.

"Most importantly, can you do so safely?" added Princess Ilya.

"No," said Master Cabel. "As I said before, I do not deal in dark magic. The power is corrupting and I have to keep my wits about me! But that's not to say you are out of luck." He came closer to us and looked deep into our eyes, as if he was watching the scene unfold. "Prince Lucas died on the mountains and he was sailed off to sea. The Dragon Isles possess wondrously powerful magic, anything is possible there...but for such a demand, to bring someone back from a place that isn't bound by the laws of reality takes someone with immense magic of their own. There needs to be a counterbalance to retrieve a soul from such a place...and that person is Eldwyn."

"Me?" said Eldwyn pointing to himself.

"Yes, wind relic. You.'

"What do I have to do?"

"Well, you've already done it! You sensed that Prince Lucas was destined to die, you heard it on the winds. made a wish, didn't you? You wished for something with all your heart."

"I did." Eldwyn closed his eyes. "When we were in Deter visiting Darren's family I was overcome with feelings that Prince Lucas would be taken from us. Everyone was discussing politics and military force, but I couldn't concentrate. I tossed a coin into the fountain in the circle. I wished that we'd all be protected...I wished that Prince Lucas would be saved from the vision I saw."

"The Jorel fountain," said Master Cabel.

"The god of the Sun?" asked Princess Ilya.

"None other. It was said that only those with pure hearts could have their wishes granted for them. I've lived for quite a long time, and I've seldom seen as pure a heart as your wind relic's. I'd say the Stargon prince stands a chance."

I turned to Eldwyn and hugged him tightly. "Oh, Eldwyn. You might have saved the day yet again." I looked him in the eye, holding onto his shoulders. "I'm sorry for being angry about your omission. You've had to carry burdens of your own. I've been too oblivious to those."

"Think nothing of it, knight."

Master Cabel cleared his throat and everyone's attention turned to him. "That's not to say that the rest of your road will be easy. You'll still have dragons to contend with and you'll need more power than what you have now."

"How do we attain it?" I asked.

"In my younger days, when I was an apprentice goldsmith at Fox Hall, Master Indus told me of a secret kept in the kingdom. The Calavan Gauntlet, said to imbue the wearer with immense power."

Princess Ilya touched her cheek. "But, that gauntlet has been lost for centuries."

"Kingdoms have their own secrets, my lady. It's not just Cordath who hordes items. Fox Hall is known for its interests in ancient artifacts, and they have rooms filled with magical items from ages ago. If you hope to stand a chance, you will need the power that's stored there."

"Then that is where we will go," I said confidently.

"I caution you, High Prince," said Master Cabel, "prepare yourself for any outcome. When we get what we've always wanted, it's usually not what we expect."

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