Chapter Twenty-Six: Ancestral Wings

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I watched by the window as first light dawned, filling the light blue room and brightening the Fox Hall kingdom. It didn't look any better from high above; there were homes in need of repair as well as its roads, but from here, this far south, the darkness that was encroaching upon the Sentrian realm hadn't yet touched it. It was a bastion of sorts, a land away from home and yet close enough to know that danger still lurked beyond the horizon. It felt safe, which meant that I especially needed to keep my eyes open.

"Knight?" Eldwyn said from behind me. His voice sounded groggy.

I turned around and saw him rising from the bed, rubbing his.

"Eldwyn, you're awake."

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm only thinking." I turned back to the land. "About Prince Lucas. We first met at the age of five. We were cordially introduced when the Marbury's came to Sentria at the start of Spring, and though it was formal, it felt innocent. After introductions and food, we were allowed to play together and I showed him my toys: wooden knights, dragons, monsters. It was all so innocent. It wasn't until I turned thirteen that I told my parents  that I was attracted to boys, and within the week I was betrothed to Lucas." I walked back to the bed and sighed.

"That's so very sad..." Eldwyn's voice broke and he looked like he was about to cry. "Neither of you ever had a choice."

"Don't cry." I kissed Eldwyn, stroking his face. "I have a choice now and they will never tell me who I love again."

We kissed for some time after that, then forced ourselves apart to get the day started. We left the hallway, but when we went to Princess Ilya's room, we were told by a servant that she had gone to the library. He led us there at a turtle's pace and arrived to discover that she was talking to a tall and strikingly handsome young man with shoulder-length black hair. From his brown and beaten garb, damaged chainmail, and youthful countenance, I knew that he was a squire.

"Hello," I announced our approach.

Both of them turned to Eldwyn and I, needing a moment to fully depart from their conversation before speaking. "Oh, hello," said Princess Ilya. "I woke up early and I couldn't get back to sleep. The library called to me."

"And who is this?" I nodded at the young man.

"This is Neal Belson, he's Knight Patten's squire."

The squire pressed his fist to his chest and kneeled with his head bowed. "High Prince Darren," he said. "It would be the highest honor to serve in your royal guard and protect you from all harm."

"That is a nice dream, squire." I gestured for him to rise.

Neal stood up. "Though, there is word that you don't need much help in that regard."

"Oh?" I uttered.

"Yea, it's not spoken about in royal circles, but the knights talk of your bravery, of the balls of fire that fell from the skies. We've heard tales of your adventures and we have much respect for you. You may have your detractors, but many believe that your reign will spark the new age of plenty. We are ready for change, especially here at Fox Hall. our Lord, but we need a High King who will enforce the changes that will bring Sentria to greatness. We believe that that person is you."

I was honored and surprised at his words. I hadn't any idea that such conversations of my adventures were spreading throughout the realm, and it gave me ease in knowing that I wasn't wholly hated in the southern realm.

"That is nice to hear," I told him simply.

"If you'd give us a moment, Neal," said Princess Ilya, "High Prince Darren, Eldwyn, and I have private matters to discuss."

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