Just a quick A/N :)

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HI EVERYONE!! this is just a quick a/n if you don't mind or else you can just skip :D hope you don't mind the meme cuz I don't ahaha I luv it xD

i don't know if there will be smut in this store but if there is I will put at the end and start if you get uncomfy.

Okay so I just wanted to introduce myself:

Gender: Agender

Name: Clara

Nationality: Danish

Humor: very very bad (don't expect any good humor in this story)

Free-time: play the guitar and write/read

okey that's what you get for now ;p

So basically I just wanted to say sorry if this story is shite it's cuz it's ma first story and English is my second language :) Feel free to ask questions abt me or the story

Peace out my monkeys♥︎

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