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Spencer's POV

We walk into our 5star hotel room it looked amazing. I know toby just wants to go to sleep so we can have sex but I'm nervous. it will be our first time doing it as a married couple and I want to make it special.

"What do you want to do first" toby States as he comes closer to me

"I was thinking maybe go for a massage down at the spa"

"Why would you go get a massage when I can give you an amazing one"

"Yeah but I also want to go for a swim"

I grab my suitcase and try and find my bikinis

"Are you wearing your black bikinis" toby asks

"Yeah why baby"

"Just saying cause you look sexy in them"

We walk hand in hand down to the outdoor pool.

Toby's POV

We sit on the banana chairs Spencer gets up

"I'm going to get some cocktails want one"

"Yeah sure baby" I say and give her a kiss

The waiter comes past and says

"Can I get you anything"

"Aw my wife just went to get some cocktails but thanks"

"That was your wife"

"Yes" I say confused

"Your a lucky guy"

"Your telling me"

Spencer comes back and I pull her into my banana lounge and we start to make out.

"Let's go upstairs" I tell Spencer

"Maybe later" she says nervously

"Spence baby you have been acting weird is something wrong your my wife now I want to communicate with you"

"I know toby you are a great husband already it's just....."

"What is it honey" I say playing with Spencer's hair as she sits in my lap

"It's just...... it's going to be our first time as a married couple and I want to make it special"

I kiss her forehead

"Spence it will be special because I'm with you"

She leans in and kisses me

"Ok let's go" she smiles

I lift her up and carry her all the way back to our room while still kissing her.
I unlock the hotel and we go straight for the bed. spence pulls back

"Baby are you ok"

"Yeah let me just get changed into something I think you will like"

I couldn't wait to see what Spencer was going to come out wearing.

She finally comes out in a black , short, lace dress.

"How do I look she asks?"

I go up to her and start to kiss her hard we end up on the bed naked. we had a beautiful night one that we will remember forever.

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