Fifty Fourth Aegyo

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The moment has finally arrived: we're heading to Busan. We did planned to make a trip there, if ever our schedule is free. Turns out, our schedule is clear as day ( and we just finished exams to top it all ). And so, we decided to push through with the trip and started packing. We decided to go there by car, with Dongwoo as the driver. It turns out that Manager Youngjun has a private beach house in the area and gladly gave us the keys to his villa. So without further ado, everyone made preparations and last minute shopping for the trip.

It was 6am in the morning when INFINITE arrived to fetch us. During the ride, some can be seen sleeping ( Myungsoo, Hoya, Hana, Choilin and Jin-Hae ) while the rest are seen happily chatting with one another. We made a short stop for breakfast before continuing on the road. The drive may have been long but it was worth it because of the memories we're creating at the moment ( like doing a practical joke on Myungsoo by taking a picture of his sleeping face, in which the latter suddenly woke up and tried to grab the camera from Sungyeol ). The drive was filled with joy and laughter till we reached our destination.


" Welcome to Busan everyone!!! " Woohyun spread his arms like an eagle in front of a monument that says " Busan. "     

" The place does look unique. " Jean smiled while scanning her surroundings. Busan is the second largest metropolis besides Seoul and the world's fifth busiest seaport by cargo tonnage. Busan has Korea's largest beach and longest river while home to the world's largest department store, the Shinsegae Centum City. 

" We'll surely have fun in this trip. " Jung suddenly pumped his fist in the air. " So what d'you say guys? "

" I say we rock 'n roll!!! " Dongwoo whooped. Thus, our journey started.

Our first stop was Yongdusan Park. One of the highlights is that of the statue of Yi Sun-sin, Korea's 16th century naval hero. There is also a commemorative monument for the April 19th anti-government student protests. But the most striking of them all is the Busan tower. It also has the Museum of World Folk Instruments, where visitors are allowed to play and handle the instruments on display ( which are made from fruits, human knee bones and, as others said, rat skin ) and the Exhibition Hall of World Model Boats, where over 80 models of traditional Korean yellow-hemp sailboats and turtle ships as well as luxury cruise ships and sophisticated warships are on display. 

The next stop was Taejongdae. It is marked as one of the most noted tourism spot in Busan. It is famous for it's remarkable rock beach and an atypical rock called " Shinsun Rock, " formed by the continuous erosion of waves, can be manifested. And, to my amusement and joy, you can also locate the Japanese island of Tsushima, which is a 56km away from Taejongdae. When I first heard of it, I didn't stopped looking for the island and saw it's outline from the horizon. It just screams out that Japan is around the corner!!!           

Our third stop was Beomeosa Temple, a 1,300-year-old temple. It is Busan's largest and most historical temple. They said that there are a lot of treasures located at Beomeosa Temple, such as Daewoongjeon ( designated as national treasure no. 434 ). Also, the stone lantern in the front of Daewoonjeon is Busan's designated cultural asset no. 16. The entrance gate to the temple, Jogyemun, features four pillars and is often considered to be the best entrance gates among Korean temples.

Since some of us are getting hungry, we headed out to Shinsegae Centum City. We ate lunch there and decided to shop for some souvenirs and stock up some groceries ( that will last us for the duration of our trip while staying at the villa ). Of course, fun and games couldn't be avoided so we decided to go karaoke and sang a few songs and did a couple of window shopping before heading to our last stop: which is Heosimchung Spa.

Heosimchung is one of the largest in Asia with hot, tepid, cold and strawberry milk-filled baths, saunas, pools and an outdoor section. It is also known to be bathed in by kings of Silla ( around 57 BCE-935 CE ). The strawberry milk-filled baths really did relaxed my muscles and the sauna excretes all toxins to one's skin so the treatment is both healthy and therapeutic. But of course, fun time at the pool couldn't be avoided.

Before heading to the villa, Sunggyu insisted that we go to Bellaluna. Their hot cocoa is so rich that it tastes like pure melted chocolate and their sweets are so mouthwatering. After our afternoon snack at Bellaluna's, we finally headed to the villa so as to prepare dinner.

The Villa is somewhere on a private area of the beach where it is surrounded by a bamboo fence. The frontyard has a " flyer-swing set " ( four sitter ) on the right and a picnic table that we could sit and eat on ( as we grill barbeques beside it ) on the left. The front porch has a hamoc ( situated on the left side ) and a couple of bamboo couches ( right side ). Once we went inside, the living room ( bamboo couches ) is the first thing we saw and behind it, separated by a bar table, was the dining area and the door on the far left is what we presumed was the kitchen. We found the staircase on the far left corner of the room and we discovered that six rooms are available, each having a bathroom of their own. So the room assignments are decided:

Jean and Woohyun will share a room.

Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungjong will share the same room.

Yuna and Hana will be in one room.

Jin-Hae, Hae-won and Choilin are grouped together and will be sharing a room.

Sungyeol, Dongwoo, Seon and Jung will also be in one room, which happened to be the largest.

And that leaves me and Myungsoo being in one room.

When we entered our room, to my relief, two single beds are lying parallel to each other and I took the one beside the window. Myungsoo only placed his bag on the bed and waited for me to finish whatever I was doing before heading out. We could hear Woohyun complaining that he wanted to sleep beside Jean, in which the latter only rolled her eyes and stomped off in embarassment. Since it was almost dinner time, the chefs ( Woohyun, Hoya, Seon, Yuna, Choilin and Jin-Hae ) started preparing our dinner while the rest decided to set the table ( Jean, Hae-won, Hana, Sungjong and Sungyeol ) while some started building the bonfire ( me, Myungsoo, Sunggyu, Dongwoo and Jung ). We decided to eat dinner outside ( since there's a picnic table and we wanted to feel the sea breeze ). 

When they finished cooking dinner, we ate heartily and when everything is cleaned up did we decide to sit around the bonfire ( since there are logs that we could use to sit on ) and talked about stuffs. When the night is at it's peak did we decided to hit the sack, although it became awkward for both Myungsoo and I since it'll be the first time we'll be sleeping together in one room ( even if we have separate beds ).

I wonder if Jean and Woohyun are also feeling the same...oh well, we'll see the aftermath first thing in the morning...sweet dreams Myungsoo, I hope you have a good night's sleep....

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