HUGOT (Random Quotes) 2

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21. You cant lost what you never had. You cant keep what's not yours, and you cant hold on to someone who doesnt want to stay.

22. Friendships with people with akward personalities tend to last longer. Theyre more reliable, trustworthy and loyal.

23. I admit. I really miss how things used to be. But i can also admit, that I've accepted the fact that things have changed.

24. I am who I am. I like what I like. I love who I love. I do what I want. Get off my back and deal with it.

25. Let go kung masakit na. Give up kung hindi mo na kaya. Move on kung yung dati ay hindi na maibabalik pa.

26. Love is not about how many days, months or years you've been together. Love is simply about how much you truly love each other everyday.

27. The best feeling in the world is knowing you actually mean something to someone.

28. Every girl deserve guy who looks at her everyday like its the first time.

29. Efforts should be appreciated, not ignored.

30. Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

31. Trust is like an eraser, It gets smaller and smaller after every mistakes.

32. Never ignore someone who loves you, cares for you, and misses you. Because one day you might wake up and realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars.

33. Love leaves a memory that no one can steal. But sometimes it leaves a heart ache that no one can heal.

34. I forgive but never forget because I never want to be hurt the same way twice.

35. There are songs that make you sad, when you hear them. But it are'nt the songs that make you sad, It ends the people behind the memories.

36. I dont chase after anyone anymore. If you want to walk out of my life, theres the door. I'll even hold it open for you.

37. Someday you'll cry for me like i cried for you;  Someday you'll miss me like i missed you; Someday you'll need me like i needed you; Someday you'll love me but i wont love you.

38. Relationships are like glass. Sometimes its better to leave them broken than to hurt yourself putting them back together.

39. Never be afraid to let go. Because you never know what greater things will replace what you've lost.

40. Dont be someone's down-time, spare-time, past-time or sometime, If they cant be there for you all the time, theyre not even worth your time.

41. The wrong person will never give you what you want, but they'll make sure they get what they want from you.

42. Loving someone who doesnt love you back is like hugging a cactus, the tighter you hold on, the more it hurts.

43. We have to hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain. Because all of life's lessons are taught through pain.

44. It's terrible to lose someone we love, but its even worse to lose ourselves while loving them.

45. I dont hate you, Im just disappointed you turned into evetything you said you'd never be.

46. If you dont let your past die, you'll past wont let you live.

47. You left without a reason, so please dont comeback with an excuse.

48. I can only dream of your wherever you are. I'll hear you laugh. I'll see you smile. I'll be with you just for a while.

49. Honestly I dont need someone who sees the good me. I need someone who sees the bad in me and still wants me.

50. My life isnt perfect but Im thankful for everything I have.

51. Nothing hurts more than waiting since I dont even know what Im waiting for anymore.

52. Psychology says: Sometimes creating a little distance will help people recognize how much you actually mean to them.

53. Sometimes all we need is someone who will listen to all our dramas in life.

54. Psychology says: You dont really need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely.

55. Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever.

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A/N : Thank you for reading..

Wait for the next update.


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