The Dracondan Elections Of 993

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April 993 

the largest constitutional monarchy in the world is about to enter its 5th parliamentary election and the various political factions of Draconda are preparing for a electoral bloodbath on one side of the isle is the ultranationalist Dracondan valkyrist party lead by the war vetaren Alexander Virtes and after a series of victories in local elections experts are predicting a surge in power for the dvp directly opposing the dvp is the recent liberal-union coalition formed in response to the surge in support for the fantacily anti republican dvp while the coalition has seen limited success in several of its more hardened enclaves many are doubtful if such a pact will even maintain itself without succumbing to infighting let alone unseat the conservatives and beat back the dvp and finally is the conservative-royalist coalition while not as unpopular as the liberal-unionist the conservatives while a stable coalition have nonetheless been losing large swaths of support to the dvp which many view as being a far more effective solution to the economic woes and republican extremism through the country the factions are set and soon the ballots will be to for what surely will be a historic election 

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