Red Tide Is Published

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November 997 

The Controversial Kornovan author Marco Brescil has just published a shocking new novel witch asks the question what if no one won the Sondwerg the novel's point of divergence starts with the orc captain Aens dying in a storm before he ever lead the Aens expedition which lead to the orc invasion of Novia this causes the Sondwerg to drag on for 2 years longer in stalemate as he did historically king Adrian of Lapasia is assassinated and the sword of Jemnus lost with Valcorian king Varka assassinated by a disgruntled worker and both sides losing the leaders the war effort on both sides collapses as revolution and chaos engulf the south a far stronger Valyrian revolution spills over the borders of the nation into the rest of eastern Lapasia assisting other revolutions following a new revolutionary ideology similar to Omnism called Liberationism based off the rule of unions in the government eastern Lapasia becomes a federation of revolutionary states known as the Omnist union of sovereign republics with the archon and Lapasian loyalists fleeing to Novus with the eastern half of the Novian freehold ironically becoming the last bastion of the Lapasian government meanwhile in Valcor with Varka dead his younger sister Lyra Batavian returns from exile to take the throne and reform Valcor and Varmia into constitutional monarchies meanwhile Draconda is still caught in a civil war however with king Damen the VI being killed in a bombing the Dracondan field marshall Oskar Dusktalon seized power in a coup as lord protector of Draconda they manage to crush the revolution but Dusktalon is forced to give autonomy to various regional cliques which helped him into power effectively leaving Draconda in warlordism with the exiled republicans helping the Kornovan republican movement overthrow the monarchy years before they did in our world the royalists and ultra nationalists flee north into Nedonya and Farhall causing political chaos in Nedonya the april crisis spirals out of control with left wing and right wing paramilitaries battling in the streets culminating in the military storming congress in order to restore stability this turns the republicans against them so to prevent a civil war they ally themselves with the Argenti supremacist movement known as the greenshirts who over time under the leadership of Adam Marian subvert the entire junta and seize power for themselves while in the west the greater kingdom of Erabes struggles to hold onto their rebellious vessels as their vassals become more disloyal while in Farhall the new royalist exiles along with fear of outside revolution develops a new ideology of totalitarian monarchism a state that gives total control to the reigning monarch under a hellish new regime while in the east Summerfeld out of fear of invasion from the O.U.S.R joins the Arcadian empire using the immense capital from Summerfeld the empire established along with the later market crash although they still lose most territory while Inferna without the fall of Arcadia still keeps most of the military on the northern border which allows the historically purged republican vanguard to seize control transforming Inferna into a military republic in which service guarantees citizenship blurring the lines between military junta and democratic republic the novel ends with the beginning of a second Sondwerg between the Valcorian lead league of nations the O.U.S.R the Dracondan Lapasian reactionary pact and the Nedonyan iron compact while some have criticized the book on the grounds of king Adrian still being assassinated despite the radically different state of the war marco bescil defended his work stating that it could have happened in a alternate world  

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