The Second Caldonian Revolution

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December 995 

The economic slump witch has affected Koros after the Freeport stock market crash impacted every nation across Koros but the northern kingdom of Caldonia was hit especially hard already suffering from a economic slowdown following several wars with Zephyria in spite of victory the nation fell into disrepair culminating in the revolution of 983 when government forces cracked down on union strikes only for those unions to form workers militias and begin a full scale uprising which ended in a royalist victory after 155,000 deaths despite initial victory the hold of the Ravendawn dynasty has always been fragile and with the rise of the the national league which supports the western branch of the house Blackstorm instead of the Ravendawns Arthur Ravendawns hold while fragile still kept steady that is until today recent strikes across the nation have escalated to a full scale second uprising as police reports on plans to crush the strikes with military force was published by the national league with also as risen up with the aid of paramilitaries and military defectors taking advantage of the chaos Dracondan troops have seized the 10 mile wide disputed border zone leaving the world to wonder who else will take advantage of this broken nation 

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