Mafia Girlfriend

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Requested by:HellDevil3

Aishhhhhh,My life is so boring..Although,I have everything but i dont know why...I decided to called Park Jimin
Taehyung:Hey,I want to ask something ..
Taehyung:I want you to search my new girlfriend..I dont care who she is but she must suit with my ideal type..
Jimin: Reallyyyyyyy...Wow,Kim Taehyung want A Girlfriend..But why?You can just choose a girlfriend at the club..
Taehyung:They were already dirty..I want a fresh one..
Jimin:Ook,Im will search it for you

Jimin Pov
This Alien loves to bother me..Now,I need to search his girlfriend..Where can I found a girl that suit with his ideal type?How about at University..I heard that G-University have a lot of pretty girl ..Maybe I can found at there...

-Next Day-
Jimin Pov
I arrived at this university and I already found the perfect one for Taehyung..Now,I need to kidnap her and give to taehyung..Wait a second,how about me..I want too..AFTER A FEW MINUTES AGO,I already kidnap a girl for Taehyung and a girl for me(Of Course)..I brought the car to Taehyung Masion..

Tzuyu Pov
I planned I want to go out with Mina after class ended..But,I noticed a strange man followed me ..I walked quickly ..Then,I feel like Im in a dark world

Taehyung Pov
Finally,Jimin already arrived..Cant wait to see my new girl but why Jimin bring 2 girl ..I scream Park Jimin loudly..
Taehyung:Why you bring 2 girl not 1?
Jimin:Ouh,U see !!Aish,Im hiding it so hard ..Why you can see!
Taehyung:Tell me ,Idiot!
Jimin:Ok,Fine..I bring one for me..So,I dont feel lonely when you and your new girl flirting each other in front of me..
Taehyung:Ooook,Give me my girl..
Jimin:She in Garage..Lets go
Taehyung:Which one ?
Jimin go to a girl and show..
Jimin:This is your:

Taehyung:Tell me about her

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Taehyung:Tell me about her..
Jimin:This is Chou Tzuyu..You can call her,Tzuyu..She is 20 year old..She is the most pretty at her University..
Taehyung:Very Good ..Thanks Jimin
Taehyung gives jimin 1milion..
Jimin:Really,Wow..Thanks Taehyungie..
Taehyung :I want to bring her in my room now..So you can left now!

Tzuyu Pov
I heard a two man talked each other ..I don't heard it so much since i still feel dizzy ..I felt like someone lift me up to the bed and started touch me..I felt very uncomfortable so I opened my eyes and i realized that this is not my apartment ..
I also saw a unknown man stared at me..
Tzuyu:Who are u and where am i?
Taehyung:Im Kim Taehyung and This is our home ,Baby..
Tzuyu:Dont call me like that..Im disgust
Taehyung: Interested
Tzuyu:What are u saying?
Taehyung:Nothing,Sleep..We need to rest well because tonight will be the most tiring night..*smirk*
Tzuyu:Leave me alone*crying*I want to back..Please,I beg for you..
Taehyung:ShShSh..Dont cry..You already mine..
Taehyung:No buts ..Sleep unless you want to make it now!!*smirk*

-Next Day-(sorry ,I dont know how to write smut and im still innocent i think)
Taehyung Pov
Last night was very satisfied..I dont know why but she is the best.. Although,she is very innocent but she good at it..
Tzuyu Pov
Last night was the worst night ever..I want to go out from here but i cant.. Taehyung already told me if i try to escape,he will killed my family..So,Im just need to accept it..

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