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If you didn't read the edit, the only major change is the sum of money. Other than that everything's the same.

Also this: {} means item

And this<> means skill.


"Why?" That was all Jin-woo could say, as comical tears rolled down his eyes. "She took almost everything." He said as he looked in his inventory. His money was the problem, what used to be 100,000 valis, was no more than 1,000 due to Mama Mia's in-humane prices. "Who the fuck charges a fuckin toilet. " Anyone would be horrified by such prices, she literally robbed him of every penny.

To say he didn't want to let his shadows tear down the place would be a lie, but if he did, he would be marked a criminal. And right now he wasn't feeling it. Jin-woo stood up and looked outside his window. He saw various people walk, and talk through the streets. With most of them wearing armor and walking the same route. After a good while of staring, he went back inside to start his day.


He reached downstairs, the thought of breakfast was quickly repelled with what he experiences last night. He rubs his eyes while walking down the steps of the establishment. An accidentally bump into someone. A blonde woman with pointy ears, and a green maid dress. "Sorry..." he spoke, he helped her up, and with one last apology he went his merry way. The blonde just stared at the man, "What was that?".She felt something when they bumped, something dark.


The more he walked, with the crowd, the more it looked like he didn't fit in. This was very noticeable with his suit having tears. But he didn't really care, they are just opinions to him. Nothing to get riled up over.

It didn't take long for him to reach the dungeon, within its very walls he felt comfort. He didn't know why, but he just did. And with a final breath, he begins.


《FLOOR 15》

Inside the lower floor of the dungeon, monsters, and lower-ranked adventurers could be seen fighting the monsters. , or not, they all wanted one get to the top. "SKREEEE." a loud scream could be heard, as something black flashed before them. The monsters they were fighting, were suddenly ripped apart, limbs, and such were detached from its bodies. The bodies soon turned to dust, but no gems appeared. "SKREEE, SKREEE" more screeches, and screams could be heard around the floor. As a black blur could be seen flying at high speeds, the blur kept attacking monsters without remorse, after clearing the area, the blur stopped for a second, people could see a tall jagged figure with the head of an ant. But before anyone could do anything, it gave one final screech before zooming away.


Jin-woo was eating an apple, he walked among the dungeon looking for a place to "grind" as one would put it. A place with a good monster spawn rate at least. As he continued on he could hear screeching coming from behind him. And with a woosh, and a thud something landed. A humanoid ant with wings, the pigment of his exoskeleton was black, and purple. It was none other than Beru. "My liege." The ant spoke kneeling at the man, showing him otherworldly respect. "I've gathered the stones, my liege." Jin-woo looked upon his soldier with- gratitude.  "Thank you Beru, your loyalty is appreciated." He said taking the stones, and throwing them into his inventory. "Its an honnor my liege." He spoke before being absorbed back into Jin-woos shadow. Jin-woo heard the walls crack, giving birth to new monsters. He proceeds to bring out the {Demon Kings short swords}. He lunges at them, slicing one across its chest, and kicking it away. He then proceeds to use <Sprint> to get behind one at a fast pace. He back stabs it, and throws its limp body away. He then throws his swords at the wounded one effectivly killing it. He then hears more roaring, and screeching  coming from ahead. Without a second though he grabs his items, and sprints further down the dungeon.


Hi, I'm back. Sorry I didn't come back sooner, I've started my first souls game (dark souls 3), and I'm incredibly addicted.

But anyways here you go, some of you waited almost a year for this, and for that I'm sorry.

See you next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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