Chapter 7. Home

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Hai ! Chapter 8 and 7 was deleted and i have kinda forgotten how they were written ( I remember a little so don't worry !) 😔, so I am going to rewrite them now , so they become one , and I will try to make them better ☺️ ps . This chapter is longer then the other ones !!

Part 1.

When I got home I placed a plastic bag over my wrist so it wouldn't get soaked when I took a shower.

I continued to take my shower . I turned on the hot water and relaxed in the steam around me.

After the shower ,I brushed my hair, dried my hair , Removed the plastic bag from my hand , grabbed some purple Pj's and threw them on .
Then I leaped into a pile of pillows on the couch .

There was not much to watch except for "the stupid house wives" and " the plastic Kardashian's ".

As stupid as I am , I chose the Kardashian's , But only to compare their pathetic life's with mine .. my life is pretty bad , so I shouldn't say anything.

I check my phone too see if anything had happened. Nothing . No strange text . No update . Nothing .
All I could see was a the time and my background of me jake and Sophia at Starbucks .

The tv changes channel .
I'm not near the control , so it must be mom playing around with me .
I let it be .

The tv turns on Thomas the train theme song . My favorite show when I was younger.

The video was odd.

It showed a White House , a tree near a window that caught my eye.
I noticed that the house was my old house.

I didn't do much , my face was stuck to the screen , staring .
I couldn't move .

The kids in Thomas the train , or the wooden dolls, look like my family.
Me and my Mom..
My dad was nowhere to be found. Our facial expressions looked sad and it didn't make me feel any better.

The music got slower and more intense .

The next scene was me , in my wooden doll form , sitting in my room and watching Thomas the train on an old tv .
Thomas the train did not look happy , he was also sad .

The wooden doll kids were hanging on to him , they to were sad..
Thomas facial expression changed from sad and depressed to a more .... Evil look ...

Thomas drove on the rail road towards a cliff , the children were screaming and begging him to stop.
Thomas the train drove off the cliff , and killed himself and a bunch of children.

The girl should have been in bed since it was late, but nobody told her to go to bed...

Then She heard a knock on the window .

The wooden doll girl stood up and walked towards the window.
When I saw her face I noticed that she looked just like me .
The girl looked out the window and saw two other wooden dolls hanging in a tree. But you could only see feet dangling .

The doll ,that looked just like me, changed facial expression when she realized what had happened .

my eyes started to tear up as I knew what she was looking at.

The camera angle switched so the viewers could see what was in the tree.

Before I had to see what was going to happen next , I reached for the remote . But it was gone . The remote was placed right next to me before .

I closed my eyes and started walking toward the tv , trying to turn it off. When I was Infront of the tv , something forced be to open my eyes.

The sight of the wooden doll family hanging in the tree crushed me .

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