Another Day

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How do you know when to stop? When to stop letting things get to you? When to stop listening, listening to the point where you start to believe what they say? How do you know when to just be different? To just change into what they want you to be. I mean it wouldn't be that bad, right? Right? How do you know when to stop?

'It is 5:30 am' ......... 'It is 5:30 am'

I turn over and hit 'dismiss' on my alarm with a groan. It still hurts, I think. I lay there for about 10 minutes before getting up and heading to the bathroom in the hall. Once there I open the door and end in front of the mirror. I raise up my shirt to inspect my new bruises from the previous night.

"It could've been worse." I try to reassure myself like I do every morning. But honestly, what could be worse than this?

I release my shirt and walk over to my tub so I can take a calm, relaxing, shower. After 30 minutes I get out of the shower and proceed to get ready for school. Once ready I walk down stairs and tip toe into the kitchen,

I sigh quietly and hope there's at least a fruit of some sort I can sneak before heading off. Of course I was too naïve. Disappointedly yet, not surprised, I slowly trudge to then out the door. I make it to school in less than 40 minutes, granted it's not that far. I notice students walking and sitting around all over campus causing me to stay hidden.

Or so I thought.

Not even halfway on campus and I already see trouble coming my way.

"Yah Y/N" A random girl calls.

"Did you do the homework?" Another girl beside her says.

I look up from my shoes briefly before putting my head back down. "What homework?" I ask immediately regretting it because honestly she was being pretty vague. We have 8 classes after all.

"Tch, don't play dumb. Mr. Morrison's homework." She says annoyed before grabbing me.

I wince in pain. Not there, please. I plead with myself. It still hurts like hell.

"Ha Yuri go easy on her eh, maybe she didn't know." That same girl laughs while removing Yuri's hand from my arm.

"Whatever, still did you do the homework?" Yuri asks a bit more sternly this time.

"I- I was going to do it during lunch." I stutter because, I really didn't have much time or energy after yesterday's brutal events.

"Oh." She says unbothered.

"Well just give it to me during lunch. But tomorrow I want it on time." she demands before taking her group and walking away.

After this encounter it was time to head inside the building so I make my way towards the double doors. Of course I waited for everyone else to enter so things like getting myself slammed in the door wouldn't happen. Trust me it's happened before.

I make my way into the building and walk towards the end of the hallway to my first class. I walk in with my head down and feet quiet. I ignore the obvious stares and mean comments and sit at the back of the class, my usual seat.

After a couple of minutes with my head down the professor walks into the classroom and places her things on the desk.

She's already 10 minutes into the lesson when I feel something cold and wet on my face. A spit was. Of course. I roll my eyes and take the slimy goop off my face. Are they some immature kids? Yes they are, sometimes I forget that this is high school.

By the end of the class I've gotten 2 more spit wads, a hit to my head, and a snarky remark when I went to place my answer on the board. It's okay I'm used to it.

I hate sympathy. It won't change anything, you can tell me your sorry for me or you hope things are ok but I don't need your pity.

I sigh as I walk out of the classroom and to my locker.

As I stand there gathering my books for my next class I feel a skinny arm wrap around my shoulders along with a small crowd behind me.

"Ah Y/N my bestfriend how are you?" Yuri asks.

I stand there shocked. I thought she wasn't going to bother me until lunch.

"Oh is my friend quiet today? You were pretty loud this morning." she says as she pulls me from my locker, one of her followers closing it after.

"Hey Yuri." I squeak, still caught off guard.

"There she is, my loud mouth. So my loud mouth how's Jimin?" she asks interested.

Park Jimin to be exact, my step brother. He's from my step mom since my dad got married to her last year. It's been a nightmare. All the girls drool over him and all he does is torment me, along with my dad and step mom of course.

"He's fine." I grit out not too loudly.

"Aw you've got to give us more information. Are you keeping him from us?"

I don't answer because I'm thinking about what to say. We don't really talk so I wouldn't know how he's doing. But of course luck isn't on my side because I took a bit too long to answer the question.

"Yah, are you ignoring me Y/N?" Yuri says as she pushes me from her grip and tosses me between her other friends.

"You've been getting pretty bold lately. Should I teach you a lesson?" She says walking closer to me.

Before she can lay a hit the bell rings and students swarm through the hallways to get to there next class.

I internally let out a breath of relief thinking it was over and I could go to class.

It wasn't.

"I wanted to play." she pouts.

"That's okay me and my girls will see you during lunch though." She smirks before walking away in the opposite direction.

Oh God.


👀 first chapter how do we feel

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