part 14 (Can't get faraway from you)

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Billy was starring at Selena while have conversation with her .
Today Tian bringing Selena to Billy for her theraphy.

But Selena condition is going bad,she is increasingly sinking into her delusional world for becoming super model again.

"Hei,Billy...see this..!!I'll be star soon..."Selena said with overflowed of happiness by throwing some home production name card for proved to Billy.

Billy glanced to that cards.all is some food production and suppliers name cards.

""It's ilusion...??"Billy thought by furrowing his eyesbrows while starring back to Selena.
"Hopeless....!!"Billy sighs desperately.

"Hei hei...don't stared at me like that way...!!"Selena growled angrily while seeing Billy seems like untrusting her

"If like that..I should congrats you first.."Billy smiled to Selena
"At least your dreams come true..!!"

All sudden,Selena jumped to hugging Billy with happily.

"Thank are the first person who is trust my words...!!"Selena chokes as sob into Billy shoulder.

Billy tried to realeasing Selena hands over his body.

"Do you tell Tian already about this .??"

"Not yet...!!"Selena grunted irritably while hearing about Tian name was sounding

"He is too busy with his bitch, Jiemin..Jiemin and Jiemin againn..!!"

Billy was unrestly now

"What he is doing with Jiemin..??"Billy asking curiosly while holding at Selena hands to digging some words from her.

Selena laughed.

"Tian is fuck boyy...!!he is never give up to fucked Jiemin ass...hahahah.."

Billy face heated into red while hearing what just Selena said

" don't care and worried if Tian will back to Jiemin...??"

Selena keep starring at Billy now with her devil eyes.

" You wanna help me..??"

"What kind of help...??"

"You want me to help you kidnapped Jiemin..?you can fucked him...he is so damm hot now...!!"Selena offering her crazy idea to Billy while trails her fingers along Billy cheek.

"You'll fallin for his fuckin ass...!!"

Billy smirked to Selena

"What kind of help you can do for me..??"

"Some injection or drugs,maybe...??"Selena hisses with smirked in her lips.
"I'll help you..."

Billy smirked happily to Selena.

"I thought I can used this dumbness women to spreading my traps.."Billy murmured silently,with the smirked in his lips.

Jiemin looks sadly,because tommorow Namjoon will back to korea for a week to sign some agreement of his Patna hospital project with Hoseok family company ,so tommorow Namjoon will going back to Korea with Hoseok

Jiemin looks poutting his lips during his way back to Namjoon condominium.

"Baby...stop poutting like this..please.."Namjoon whispers while seeing Jiemin still frowning,poutting his plump lips.its so tempted for being kissed..!
When both of them entered into the evalator,Namjoon pins Jiemin against the wall of evalator Namjoon slipped his arms around Jiemin petite waist,slapped his booty before grabbing it hardly .

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