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James pulled up at my apartment building and parked the car "Do you want me to wait here?" He asked

"Umm you can come in" I tell him but as as after thought add "stay in the living room, I have to change!"

" Dont you worry, I'm not forcing me on you Claire. I'll wait here I'm just interested in your life I guess." James said.

"No I'm sorry your fine come in. I just, I haven't been on so much as a date since... I don't know how this goes" my cheeks burned red with embarrassment but he smiles and follows me into the complex.

"A couple of my best warriors live here" he remarks. I turn to look at him shocked that I have been LIVING with werewolves for the last year and a half. "We can blend in well" he added.

"This one is mine." I said stopping at my door and unlocking it. We walk in and he took in everything. The sights, sounds from the tv I left on, even the smell. He soaks up every bit of my apartment he could and looked at me. His eyes seemed to have gone 3 shads darker. "Umm... so I'm going change" I told him and ran to my bedroom.

I heard him walking around and imagined him looking at the pictures and paints on my wall, peeking in my cabinets walking around my kitchen. I ripped off my clnic t-shirt and scubs pants and pulled on a pair of dark blue jeans and a bright yellow plain shirt. I pulled my messy bun down and fixed my hair so it looked like I tried a little more. My eye caught sight my Kyle's picture and I stoped for a second to take in the two of us happy. I remembered the conversation we had about what if. I remembered him very set on if something happened how he would want me to move on, to be happy and find somone who would treat me the way I deserve. The thought made me smile. Cautiously I walked back towards my kitchen and saw him looking out the window at the street. He must have noticed me coming because he turned and smiled and walked towards me. My heart raced when he stood facing me just inches away.

"Stop me if I make you uncomfortable okay" he told me taking my hands. The electric charge shot up my arms like it did in the cafe. "Your eyes flashed again" he said with a slighted chuckle. I wasn't sure what he meant for sure but I was frozen just waiting for his next move. "I know we just met, but Claire, you can't understand what this is like for me. You have had such a horrible experience I'm almost scared to make any type of move so I have to ask you, tell me what your thinking, tell me what you want. I will go as fast or as slow as you want. I will walk away and never come back if that's what you ask"

That last bit caused a harsh reaction. "No" I shouted. He blinked "no" I collected my tone. "I will always miss my Kyle, theres no way around that but he would want me to be happy. I can't tell you how fast I want this to move, not right now but I can tell you I feel somthing. I can't explain it. I LOVED Kyle but this feeling isn't somthing I ever felt even with him."

James smiled at that response. "I'm glad you feel that way" he said moving one hand my my cheek. I instinctively leaned into his touch closing my eyes and let out a sound that's never come out of me before. I jumped but James just smiled wider. "Shes waking up. Should we see how far we can push her?" He asked leaning closer.

I stared at James holding my breath. His face is just inches from mine and he kept leaning closer. "Can I kiss you?" He asked with just a whisper. I felt my head nod yes and his lips pressed into mine.

He was soft at first but as the charge shot though me he must have felt it to. James pulled me closer so our bodies were pressed together. His kiss seemed to have more urgency. Our lips moved in sync. I could feel myself melting away but as I melted someone, or somthing took my place. This new version of me was stronger, more sure of herself. She took control of the kiss and pushed James against the wall. My senses became stronger too. I could hear his heart racing as fast as mine, I could hear the cars on the road and people in the park up the block. My sense of smell now heightened I noticed for the first time his smell, a woodsy scent with a hint of somthing I couldn't put my finger on. I broke off panting and shocked. His eyes were black with a hunger I couldn't explain. We stood there both catching our breaths. I was the first to speak.

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